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खबरदार, अब हात मिलाउने होइन, मुड्की जुधाउनुहोस्

साथीभाई भेटघाट हुँदा हात मिलाउने गरिन्छ । तर वैज्ञानिकहरुले भने हात नमिलाउन सुझाव दिँदै मुड्की जुधाउन सल्लाह दिएका छन् ।बेलायतको एवस्र्थ विश्वविद्यालयका शोधकर्ताहरुले गरेको अध्ययनले अब हात मिलाउने (ह्याण्ड सेक) संस्कृतिलाई बाइ बाइ गर्न सुझाव दिएका छन् । शोधकर्ताहरुका अनुसार हात मिलाउनु भन्दा मुठ्ठी जुधाउनु धेरै स्वस्थकर अभिवादनको शैली हो । हस्त स्वास्थ्य सम्बन्धमा गरिएका विभिन्न अनुसन्धानले यस्तो देखाएको छ । वैज्ञानिकहरुले मुठ्ठी जुधाउने र हात मिलाउने मध्ये कुन बढि स्वस्थ शैली हो भन्ने कुरा पत्ता लगाउन ई कोली ब्याक्टेरियाको सर्ने दरको अध्ययन गरेका थिए ।

त्यस क्रममा हात मिलाउनु भन्दा हात माथि उठाएर हत्केला बजार्ने (हाइ फाइभ) शैलीबाट अभिवादन गर्दा ब्याक्टेरिया सर्ने दर ५० प्रतिशत कम हुने तथा मुठ्ठी बजार्ने शैल सबैभन्दा बढि सुरक्षित हुने र ९० प्रतिशत कम संक्रमण हुने पत्ता लागेको छ । शोधकर्ता डाक्टर डेभ व्हिटवर्थका अनुसार मुठ्ठी जुधाउने अभिवादन शैली सबैभन्दा बढि स्वस्थ तथा सुरक्षित हुनुको कारण यसो गर्दाको गति तथा सबैभन्दा कम सतह सम्पर्कमा आउनु हो ।

मानिसलाई हस्तमिलान भन्दा मुठ्ठी जुधाउने बानीलाई बढावा दिन लगाउने हो भने छालाबाट सर्ने विभिन्न खाले सरुवा रोगको संक्रमण कम हुने तकी उनको छ ।

तालु खुइलिनु पनि खतराको लक्षण
  नेपाल र भारतमा तालु खुइलिनुलाई बिद्धानको उपमा दिइन्छ । उमेर छिप्पिएको लक्षणको रुपमा पनि लिने गरिन्छ । यसले यत्ति मात्र होइन यो हृदयरोगको खतराको चिन्ह सक्ने एक अध्यायनले बताएको छ ।
जापानमा गरिएको एक अध्ययनले तालु खुइलिएका मानिसहरुमा मुटु सम्बन्धि रोगको खतरा बढि हुने तथ्य पत्ता लगाएको छ । ३७ हजार जापानीमा गरिएको अध्ययनले तालु खुइलेहरुमा मुटुरोगको खतरा, तालु नखुइलिएकामा भन्दा ३२ प्रतिशत बढि भएको पाइएको छ । युनिभर्सिटी अफ टोकियोका अध्ययनकर्ताहरुका अनुसार तालु खुइलिन थाल्नु मुटुरोगको खतरा भएको बताएका छन् । तालु खुइलेहरुले स्वस्थ जिवनयापनमा अझ बढि ध्यान दिनुपर्छ शोधर्ताले भनेका छन् ।
शोधकर्ताहरुका अनुसार धूमपान तथा मोटोपन मुटुरोगका लागि तालु खुइलिनु भन्दा निकै बढि खतरनाक भएकोले बताएका छन् । तालु खुइलिएकोमा बढि चिन्ता गर्नुभन्दा धूमपान, मध्यपान तथा मोटोपन नियन्त्रणतर्फ लाग्नु श्रेयष्कर हुने उनीहरुको राय छ ।
तालु खुइलिनु र मुटुरोगको खतरा बढ्नुबीचको खास सम्बन्ध अझै पत्ता लाग्न नसकेपनि वैज्ञानिकहरुका अनुसार पुरुष हर्मोनको अति संवेदनशीलता तथा इन्सुलिन प्रतिरोधी तथा रक्तनलीको खराबी जस्ता कारणहरुले मुटु र कपाललाई एकैपटक असर गर्ने गरेको उनीहरुको भनाई छ ।
एजेन्सीको सहयोगमा

स्टारहरु जसले मृत्युलाई पनि जितेक्यान्सर यस्तो बिराम हो जसको औषधी पनि छैन । यसको उपचार प्रक्रिया धेरै गम्भिर जटिल र लामो हुन्छ । बलिउडमा र हलिउडका सेलीब्रेटीहरु यस्ता पनि छन् जसले यो रोगमाथि जित हात पारेर अहिले नयाँ जीवन पाएका छन् ।

लिजा रे(मोडेल)
१९८७ मा आफ्नो करियर सुरु गरेकी यी नायिकाले सन् २००१ मा फिल्म कसुर मार्फत् बलिउडमा प्रवेश गरेकी थिइन् । उनले त्यो समयमा हलिउडमा काम गरिन् । सन् २००९ मा टोरटो इन्टरनेशनल फिल्म फेस्टिवलको दौरानमा उनलाई मल्टीपल मिलोमा नामक क्यान्सर लागेको घोषणा गरियो । त्यसपछि उनले आफ्नो ब्लगको माध्यमबाट यस बिरामीसँग जोडिएको अनुभव साट्न थालिन् । सन् २०१० मा स्टेम सेल ट्रान्सप्लान्टपछि उनलाई क्यान्सर मुक्त भएको घोषणा नै गरियो ।

मनिषा कोइराला(नायिका)

सुभाष घइको सौदागार फिल्म मार्फत करियर सुरु गरेकी मनिषाले बलिउडमा महत्वपूर्ण भुमिकाहरु निर्वाह गरेर अलग पहिचान बनाउन सफल भएकी छिन् । उनलाई सन् २०१२ क्यान्सर लागेको कुरा पत्ता लाग्यो । उनले त्यसको डटेर सामाना गरिन् । उनको उपचार न्युयोर्कमा भयो । अहिले नयाँ जीवन बाचिरहेकी छिन् ।

एंजेलीना जोली (हलिउड नायिका)
हलिउडमा सबैभन्दा सुन्दरी भनेर चिनिने अभिनेत्री मानिने एंजिला जोली पछिल्लो साल स्तन क्यान्सर भयो । उनले त्यसबाट बच्न डबल म्यासेक्टोमी पनि गराइन् । उनको आमाको पनि यही कारणले मृत्यु भएको थियो । उनलाई ८७ प्रतिशत क्यान्सर भएको आशंका थरिएको थियो ।

बारबरा मोरी, मोडेल तथा नायिका

मैक्सिकन मोडल बारबरा मोरीले ऋतिक रोशनका साथ ‘काइटस्’ नामक चलचित्रबाट बलिवुडमा कदम राखेकी थिइन् । यसको अलवा उनले कयौं हलिउड फिल्ममा पनि काम गरिन् । उनलाई पनि स्तन क्यान्सर भएको थियो । उपचार गरेर अहिले उनी पनि नयाँ जीवन बाचीरहेकी छिन् ।

अनुराग बासु, डाइरेक्टर

‘मर्डर’ नामक चलचित्र बनाएपछि अनुराग पिता बन्न लागेका थिए । तर त्यही बेला उनलाई ल्युकेमिया भएको थाहा भयो । डाक्टरहरुले पनि यसमा बाँच्ने सम्भावना ५०–५० प्रतिशत हुन्छ । एक समय उनको स्वास्थ यति खराब भएको थियो कि उनलाई भेन्टिलेटरमा समेत राख्न परेको थियो । अहिले डाक्टरहरुको मद्दतले उनले बिरामीलाई हराउन सकेर खुसी साथ जीवन बाँची रहेका छन् ।

मुमताज, नायिका
‘सोने कि चिडियाँ’ बाट बालकलाकारका रुपमा चलचित्र क्षेत्रमा प्रवेश गरेकी मुमताजले राजेश खन्नासँग कयौं हिट चलचित्र दिएकी छिन् । तर, ५४ वर्षको उमेरमा उनलाई स्तन क्यान्सर लागेको थाहा भयो । केमोथेरापीको जटिल उपचार प्रक्रियाबाट डटेर गुज्रेर अहिले रोग मुक्त भएकी छिन् ।

भाषा नजान्दा डाक्टरले बिरामीलाई अस्पताल निकाला गरे

नेपालमा आन्दोलनका नाममा डाक्टरहरुले अक्सिजन लिइरहेका विरामीहरुलाई समेत डिस्चार्ज गरेर पठाएको घटनालाई धेरैको मन दुखाएको छ । डा. गोविन्द केसीको माग जायज भएको बताउनेहरुले पनि डाक्टरहरुकोे रवैयाको आलोचना गरेका छन् । क्यानडामा भने अस्पतालका कर्मचारीलाई अग्रेजीमा बोल्न आग्रह गर्दा एक विरामी निकालिएका छन् । छाती दुखेको भन्दै एक महिला वरदान अस्पताल पुगेकी थिइन् । डाक्टरले एक नर्सलाई उनको रगत लगायतको परीक्षण गर्न भनेका थिए । रगतको नमुना लिने क्रममा नर्सले फ्रान्सेली भाषामा हात टेवलमा राख्न भनेकी थिइन् । उनले आफ्नो देब्रे हात टेवलमा राखिन् । उनले नबुझेपनि सँगै रहेका प्रेमीले फ्रान्सेली भाषा राम्रो बुझ्थे । तर, उनले अग्रेजीमा विरामीलाई भन्न आग्रह गरे । तर, एक्कसी नर्सले आक्रोसित हुँदै दाहिने र देब्रे हातबीच फरक छैन भन्दै गाली गर्नुका साथै अपशब्द प्रयोग गरेर अस्पताल छाड्न भनेको उनका प्रेमी जबरी रडवायले दावी गरेका छन् । पछि सुरक्षा गार्डले अस्पतालबाट निकालेको उनीहरुको दावी छ । 

Top 20 natural ways for great hair

But, reality speaks a different story. Instead of spending on those branded shampoos and conditioners, Dr. Sandeep Suttar - Hair Restoration and Skin Rejuvenation surgeon at Hairrevive, Mumbai, shares some natural ways to get great hair. Follow these easy and simple steps to give that luster and shine to your hair, and flaunt your hair like the models do...

Egg treatment

Use the entire egg to condition your hair. If you have dry or brittle hair, use egg whites to moisturize your hair. Use ½ cup of any egg mixture (egg white, entire egg) and apply to clean, damp hair. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Cleanliness is important

The most important reason for hair fall is dandruff and itchy scalp. Therefore, maintain good cleanliness for beautiful and healthy hair.

Avoid hot water

Skip hot water showers, because hot water will make your hair dry and brittle as it strips protective oils from your hair - says Dr. Suttar. Thus, prefer a temperature which is just a bit warmer than your body temperature.

Bottle gourd treatment

Extract some bottle gourd juice and apply it into your hair. Keep this solution for half an hour and wash it off thoroughly.

For that shiny soft hair

Prepare a mixture of 1 cup of your daily conditioner and 2-3 tablespoons of honey. Apply this mixture evenly on your wet hair. Leave it for 30 minutes and wash it off thoroughly. This mixture will close down your hair's cuticle and give your hair that amazing shine.

Baking soda therapy

Make a mixture of 3 tbsp. of baking soda and some water. Rinse your hair with this solution after shampooing. Let it set in for at least 5 minutes before the final rinse. This therapy will help to remove the excess shampoo and styling product from your hair.

For bouncy hair

Apply a one to one mixture of warm water and apple cider vinegar to your hair. Rinse it thoroughly after 5 minutes to get rid of the apple cider smell.

Don't wash your hair frequently

Wash your hair every 2-3 days, for proper regulation of natural hair oils. Washing your hair less often will also help regain your hair's natural body and luster.

Make your conditioner

For a protein packed conditioner, mix eggs and yogurt and rub it into your scalp. Leave on for five or 10 minutes, and then wash it off completely.

For strong hair

Use almond oil to treat dry and damaged hair. It is a very simple procedure, pour some almond oil in a bowl and heat it for 40 seconds. Then evenly distribute on your hair. Leave it for 30 minutes and then rinse normally with shampoo and conditioner using cold water.

Say bye-bye to dull hair with lemon juice

After the final rinse, apply 1 tsbp lemon juice to your hair. Simply towel dry your hair and style as normal to get rid of dry hair.

Use protection before you jump into the pool

Pools can do great damage to your hair as it contains harsh chemicals - says Dr Suttar. He says; prevent your hair from the pool damage by simply applying a little conditioner to your hair before you swim. This will protect your hair before it comes in contact with the pool water.

Treat sun damaged hair

Make a mixture of ½ cup honey, 1-2 tbsp olive oil and 1-2 tbsp of egg yolk. Apply this mixture on your hair for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. This treatment will help to replenish keratin protein bonds - says Dr. Suttar.

Tight is NO-NO

To prevent breakage due to brittle hair avoid using bands and do not tie your hair too tightly.

The proper brushing technique

Avoid using a comb with plastic bristles to prevent hair breakage from static electricity. The best way to brush your hair is by first brushing the ends to remove tangles and then take the long stokes from the roots of the hair to the ends. This technique will help proper spreading of natural hair oil and thus prevent breakage.

Moisturize your hair

Pour a little beer in your wet hair. Distribute evenly and massage your scalp with your fingers for 20 minutes. Then rinse it thoroughly to get rid of the beer smell. Do this procedure once a week for salon smooth hair. Dr. Suttar says- it is recommended that people with sinus and cold should avoid using this treatment.

Trim your hair regularly

Get your hair trimmed at least every six weeks to eliminate dry, split ends.

Do not brush wet hair

Wet hair is three times weaker and thus more likely to break - says Dr. Suttar. He recommends, towel dry your hair first and then gently detangle your hair using a wide tooth comb.

Let your hair air-dry

Allow your hair to dry by itself instead of using a blow-dryer or hot rollers. Using this artificial mode of drying technique will make your hair more brittle and dry. If you have no time to let your hair air dry, then use blow-dryer sparingly and make sure you use a warm setting instead of a hot setting.

Good diet

Drink lots of water and eat a healthy diet of raw fruits and vegetables. The most effective home treatment for hair care is a healthy diet. You are what you eat, and what you put into your body will be reflected on the outside.

3 Simple steps to look your best

Nails care
Looking good isn't just about wearing good or fancy clothes. It's about being well groomed as well. Nail care should be an important and essential part of your beauty regimen. Today, nail art is a growing industry with thousands of takers.

And nail art is no longer an expensive process — it is reasonable affordable. One tip that you must remember is that whether you have long or short nails, always keep them clean. Add some colour to your rainy days by opting for bright colours or jazz up your nails with some pretty floral or animal prints. Glitter and diamond stick-ons are some other options. Go in for monthly manicures and pedicures.

Hair care
It is never too late to give yourself a new look. Dark colours are in vogue just now. Go on for a dual colour tone, where the darker colour is underneath and a lighter colour covers the crown area or vice versa. Side step bangs or fringes are also much in demand as are hair extensions.

Body care
Using an alcohol free cleanser, water based cosmetics and makeup unless you have very dry skin. Don't wait for a special occasion to get your face and back polished. Go in for treatments every three to four months — they clean your skin and give it an unblemished, polished look. Your skin needs water to glow, so keep yourself hydrated. Green tea is another great way to keep your skin and body healthy. Ensure that you also eat a healthy diet and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Beauty benefits of papaya

Whether it's the harsh summer sun or the humid monsoon weather, the fruit papaya can be effective for soothing, toning and moisturising your skin, which will leave your skin glowing naturally. So instead of opting for those expensive over-the-counter creams, why not use papaya? Its natural properties will remove skin blemishes, pimples, dark patches and do much more!

Beauty uses of papaya

Since the fruit is a good source of Vitamin A and Papain which is a kind of protein, it helps in removing dead skin cells, along with breaking down the inactive proteins.

If you apply a finely grounded paste of raw papaya on your face, it will help reduce pimples and blemishes!

Mashed papaya can be used for treating the sore and cracked heels.

The peel (skin) of the papaya can not only be used on the face, but it should also be used for whitening the skin on your legs.

Using papaya on your face regularly will reduce the signs of ageing.

If you have rough and dry skin, mash a papaya with honey and apply this mixture for hydration of the skin.

Papaya also helps in controlling dandruff. Frequent use of its paste on your hair will improve its texture.

Beauty benefits of papaya

Whether it's the harsh summer sun or the humid monsoon weather, the fruit papaya can be effective for soothing, toning and moisturising your skin, which will leave your skin glowing naturally. So instead of opting for those expensive over-the-counter creams, why not use papaya? Its natural properties will remove skin blemishes, pimples, dark patches and do much more!

Beauty uses of papaya

Since the fruit is a good source of Vitamin A and Papain which is a kind of protein, it helps in removing dead skin cells, along with breaking down the inactive proteins.

If you apply a finely grounded paste of raw papaya on your face, it will help reduce pimples and blemishes!

Mashed papaya can be used for treating the sore and cracked heels.

The peel (skin) of the papaya can not only be used on the face, but it should also be used for whitening the skin on your legs.

Using papaya on your face regularly will reduce the signs of ageing.

If you have rough and dry skin, mash a papaya with honey and apply this mixture for hydration of the skin.

Papaya also helps in controlling dandruff. Frequent use of its paste on your hair will improve its texture.

Skin care: Home remedies for acne

Acne is a skin condition that is characterised by pimples, scaly red skin, pinhead and black heads.

Sadly, the scars remain even after acne diminishes. Acne is a condition that is synonymous with adolescence and can spill into adulthood. Here are the best home remedies for acne.

Acne is a skin condition that is characterised by pimples, scaly red skin, pinhead and black heads. Sadly, the scars remain even after acne diminishes. Acne is a condition that is synonymous with adolescence and can spill into adulthood. Here are the best home remedies for acne.

References:, Jiva Ayurveda

What are the causes of acne?

- Hormones
- Stress
- Pregnancy
- Cosmetics
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Firstly, improve the hygiene of the facial skin. Wash your face frequently with warm water to wash off the dirt and excess oil. Wash the oil off with a mild soap and a loofa or mild sponge. Avoid oil-based cosmetics or completely avoid cosmetics to reduce acne.

To reduce acne your skin needs three important things:

- Water
- Sunlight
- Fresh air

Follow a balanced diet to reduce the inflammation of the skin. According to ayurveda, have food that you can digestion easily, chew your food properly, and avoid oily, spicy and pungent food. Consume vegetables and drink a lot of liquids.

Ayurveda treatment for acne:

1. Mix lodhra - lodh tree, dhanyaka - coriander and vacha - acorus calcmus with water and apply it to face. Leave the mixture on for 20 minutes and wash it off with luke warm water.

2. Apply a mixture of haridra/haldi - turmeric, chandana - sandalwood and water. Keep the paste on your face till it dries and wash it with warm water.

3. Consume one teaspoon of amla or Indian gooseberry powder, once in the morning and once again in the evening. Amla will help cleanse the system internally.

4. Make a mixture of neem, haldi, saffron, red sandalwood, tulsi and fuller's earth or clay-like material with milk. Spread this paste evenly across your skin.

5. Tomatoes have beneficial properties that will reduce acne and reduce suntan. Prepare a mixture of ripe tomatoes and cucumber juice and apply it to your face.

This mixture will benefit you in several ways:
- absorb excess oil
- well-toned skin
- fights bacteria to prevent acne

6. Apply a paste of apple and honey to reduce pimples and acne. This mixture also makes your skin healthier and rejuvenates your skin.

7. Keep aside some amount of your ice tea and prepare a few ice cubes by freezing the tea. Gently rub the green tea ice cubes on your skin. Green tea has strong properties to fight bacteria. Use the green tea ice cubes twice or thrice a day. Plus green tea flushes out the toxins.

8. Cut an aloe vera leaf and apply the gel on the surface of your skin to reduce acne. If you do not have an aloe vera plant, there are several aloe vera gel products available in the market.

9. Today, neem is parcelled in various ways - oil, powder, soaps, paste and it is also used in toothpaste. Neem has antiseptic and anti bacterial properties that makes it an effective for reduce acne.

10. Prepare a mixture of nutmeg and raw milk to fight acne and reduce it. But this is a long process, after applying the paste made of raw milk and nutmeg; leave it on for two hours.

11. Papaya is a fruit with several health benefits. For acne, squeeze the juice from raw papaya and apply it to the acne affected area. Raw papaya juice reduces swelling and fights bacteria on the skin.

12. Pomegranate is available all year round, but now you can use it to fight acne. Here you need to peel off the pomegranate skin, roast it and make it into a powder. Add few drops of lime juice to the pomegranate powder to make a paste.

13. Consume lime water or nimbu paani and green tea often to eliminate toxins from the body. Besides reducing acne, lime water and green tea purifies the systems and even cools the body, especially during summer.

14. Indians love to have rice everyday. Now you can use rice flour to cure acne. Make a paste of rice flour with milk and apply it to the acne affected area. Let it dry for 30 minutes and wash it off with warm water.

15. Take some lime juice and add some honey to it to fight acne. Lime juice has strong properties to fight bacteria while honey helps improve your skin.

16. Acne is a result of inflammation of the skin. Hence try gently rubbing your skin with ice cubes to reduce inflammation. It does not burn your skin and reduces scars.

Skin care: Home remedies for acne

Acne is a skin condition that is characterised by pimples, scaly red skin, pinhead and black heads.

Sadly, the scars remain even after acne diminishes. Acne is a condition that is synonymous with adolescence and can spill into adulthood. Here are the best home remedies for acne.

Acne is a skin condition that is characterised by pimples, scaly red skin, pinhead and black heads. Sadly, the scars remain even after acne diminishes. Acne is a condition that is synonymous with adolescence and can spill into adulthood. Here are the best home remedies for acne.

References:, Jiva Ayurveda

What are the causes of acne?

- Hormones
- Stress
- Pregnancy
- Cosmetics
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Firstly, improve the hygiene of the facial skin. Wash your face frequently with warm water to wash off the dirt and excess oil. Wash the oil off with a mild soap and a loofa or mild sponge. Avoid oil-based cosmetics or completely avoid cosmetics to reduce acne.

To reduce acne your skin needs three important things:

- Water
- Sunlight
- Fresh air

Follow a balanced diet to reduce the inflammation of the skin. According to ayurveda, have food that you can digestion easily, chew your food properly, and avoid oily, spicy and pungent food. Consume vegetables and drink a lot of liquids.

Ayurveda treatment for acne:

1. Mix lodhra - lodh tree, dhanyaka - coriander and vacha - acorus calcmus with water and apply it to face. Leave the mixture on for 20 minutes and wash it off with luke warm water.

2. Apply a mixture of haridra/haldi - turmeric, chandana - sandalwood and water. Keep the paste on your face till it dries and wash it with warm water.

3. Consume one teaspoon of amla or Indian gooseberry powder, once in the morning and once again in the evening. Amla will help cleanse the system internally.

4. Make a mixture of neem, haldi, saffron, red sandalwood, tulsi and fuller's earth or clay-like material with milk. Spread this paste evenly across your skin.

5. Tomatoes have beneficial properties that will reduce acne and reduce suntan. Prepare a mixture of ripe tomatoes and cucumber juice and apply it to your face.

This mixture will benefit you in several ways:
- absorb excess oil
- well-toned skin
- fights bacteria to prevent acne

6. Apply a paste of apple and honey to reduce pimples and acne. This mixture also makes your skin healthier and rejuvenates your skin.

7. Keep aside some amount of your ice tea and prepare a few ice cubes by freezing the tea. Gently rub the green tea ice cubes on your skin. Green tea has strong properties to fight bacteria. Use the green tea ice cubes twice or thrice a day. Plus green tea flushes out the toxins.

8. Cut an aloe vera leaf and apply the gel on the surface of your skin to reduce acne. If you do not have an aloe vera plant, there are several aloe vera gel products available in the market.

9. Today, neem is parcelled in various ways - oil, powder, soaps, paste and it is also used in toothpaste. Neem has antiseptic and anti bacterial properties that makes it an effective for reduce acne.

10. Prepare a mixture of nutmeg and raw milk to fight acne and reduce it. But this is a long process, after applying the paste made of raw milk and nutmeg; leave it on for two hours.

11. Papaya is a fruit with several health benefits. For acne, squeeze the juice from raw papaya and apply it to the acne affected area. Raw papaya juice reduces swelling and fights bacteria on the skin.

12. Pomegranate is available all year round, but now you can use it to fight acne. Here you need to peel off the pomegranate skin, roast it and make it into a powder. Add few drops of lime juice to the pomegranate powder to make a paste.

13. Consume lime water or nimbu paani and green tea often to eliminate toxins from the body. Besides reducing acne, lime water and green tea purifies the systems and even cools the body, especially during summer.

14. Indians love to have rice everyday. Now you can use rice flour to cure acne. Make a paste of rice flour with milk and apply it to the acne affected area. Let it dry for 30 minutes and wash it off with warm water.

15. Take some lime juice and add some honey to it to fight acne. Lime juice has strong properties to fight bacteria while honey helps improve your skin.

16. Acne is a result of inflammation of the skin. Hence try gently rubbing your skin with ice cubes to reduce inflammation. It does not burn your skin and reduces scars.

मोटेलाई जहाजमा आपत्, दुइ सिटको टिकट काट्दा पनि सुख भएन

बेलायतको लण्डनमा एक मोटे मानिसलाई आफ्नो मोटाइको कारण हवाइजहाजमा दुइवटा सिटका लागि टिकट काट्नुपर्यो । तर विचरा ती मोटेलाई दुइ टिकट काटेपनि सुख भएन ।

उनले दुइ सिटका लागि टिकट त काटे तर ती दुइ सिट बेग्लाबेग्लै स्थानका थिए । उनलाई एकै ठाउँका दुइ सिट चाहिनेमा अगाडि र पछाडिका दुइ टिकट परेपछि उनको पैसा सित्तैमा गयो नै उनको यात्रा पनि निकै कष्टप्रद भयो ।

समाचार अनुसार लेस प्राइस नामका ती व्यक्तिको वजन २३५ किलो थियो । लेसका अनुसार उनले जुन वायुसेवाको जहाजमा यात्रा गरे त्यसमा एक टिकटमा यात्रा गर्ने मान्छेको अधिकतम तौल १२७ किलो हुनुपर्ने नियम थियो । उनको तौल त्यसभन्दा निकै बढि रहेकाले उनले दुइवटा टिकट काट्नुपर्यो । उनले दुइवटा टिकट काटे । तर दुर्भाग्यवस टिकट काउन्टरबाट उनलाई अगाडि र पछाडिका गरि २ वटा सिटका टिकट दिइयो ।

आफुलाई दुइवटा टिकट काट्नुपरेको नभै दुइ अलग अलग सिटका टिकट काटिदिएकोमा दुख लागेको उनको भनाइ छ । उनको एउटा सिट १७ नम्बरको थियो भने अर्को १९ नम्बरको । लण्डनबाट आयरल्याण्ड जाँदा र आयरल्याण्डबाट आफ्नो घर लण्डन फर्किँदा दुबैचोटी उनलाई फरक फरक सिटको टिकट काटिएको उनको भनाइ छ ।

मुखको छानाबाट दाँत पलाएपछि…..

मुखको छानाबाट दाँत पलाएपछि…..

दाँत त गिँजाबाट पो पलाउँछ । तर कहिलेकाहीँ गिँजाबाट मात्र होइन मुखको छाना अर्थात् तालुबाट समेत दाँत पलाउँदो रहेछ । सोसल साइट रेडिटमा अहिले तालुबाट दाँत पलाएको मान्छेको तस्वीरले हंगामा नै मच्चाएको छ ।

एलफास्की नामको प्रयोगकर्ताले आफ्नो साथीको दाइ भन्दै तालुबाट दाँत पलाएको तस्वीर इन्टरनेटमा अपलोड गरेका हुन् । उनले तस्वीरसँगै लेखेका छन,’मेरो साथीको दाइको दाँत मुखको छानोको बीचमा छ । तर उसले त्यसलाई सामान्य मान्छ ।’

त्यो आश्चर्यजनक तस्वीरको बारेमा झण्डै १५ सय प्रतिक्रिया आएका छन् । तालुबाट यसरी दाँत पलाउने निकै दुर्लभ घटना हो । यसलाई रग न्यासर्स भनिन्छ र यसलाई शल्यक्रियाबाट हटाउनुपर्छ ।

दशैंमा माछा खानेहरु होशियार ! सरकारी अधिकारी नै विषाक्त माछा व्यापारीका पक्षपोषक !

असोज काठमाडौं । कुखुराको मासुमा बर्ड फ्लुको डर ! खसीको मासु अचाक्ली महँगो ! तपाईंले यो दशैंमा माछाको मासु खाने विचार बनाउनुभएको हुन सक्छ । अथवा बर्ड फ्लुको आतंक शुरु भएदेखि नै माछामा बानी लगाउनुभएको पनि हुनसक्छ । खाद्य मापदण्डअनुसार प्रशोधन गरिएको स्वस्थ माछा भेटिए त मानव स्वास्थ्यका लागि अति उत्तम हो । तर, होशियार हुनुहोला, हामीकहाँ बेचिने अधिकांश
माछा स्वास्थ्यका लागि साह्रै खतरनाक छ । उपभोक्तामा सचेतनाको कमी र सरकारी निकायहरुले वेवास्ताका कारण व्यापारीहरुले सिनो कुहिन नदिन प्रयोग गरिने घातक तत्व ‘फर्मालिन’मा राखेको माछा खुलेआम बेच्दै आएका छन् ।
स्रोतका अनुसार काठमाडौं उपत्यकामा मात्र दैनिक २० हजारदेखि ३० हजार केजी माछा खपत हुने गरेको छ । चार्डपर्वका बेला अझ बढी हुन्छ । वीरगञ्जबाट आउने नेपाली किसानले उत्पादन गरेको ‘छडी’ माछा ३ सय देखि ५ सय केजीलाई अलग राख्ने हो भने उपत्यकामा खपत हुने माछाको स्रोत भारतको आन्ध्र प्रदेश हो । जिउँदो बेचिने मुंग्री माछाचाहिँ बंगाल र बिहारबाट कोशी ब्यारेज हुँदै बिनाभन्सार काठमाडौं भित्रिन्छ । नेपाली किसानको उत्पादन भन्दै बेच्ने गरिएका मुग्री माछा पनि छिटो उत्पादनका लागि सिनो, भैसीको बोसो, अखाद्य केमिकल आदि मिसिएको फोहोर पानीमा उत्पादन गर्ने गरेको पाइएको छ ।
खाद्यविज्ञहरुका अनुसार माछाको शरीरमा प्रोटिनको मात्रा बढी हुन्छ । मरेको आधाघन्टाभित्र प्रशोधन गरेर माइनस ३५ डिग्रीमा राखेर फ्रोजन गरिएन भने माछा कुहिन शुरु हुन्छ । त्यही भएर आन्ध्रप्रदेशका माछा उत्पादकहरुले माछामा राखिने बरफ बनाउँदैखेरि ५ प्रतिशत फर्मालिनको झोल मिसाउने गर्दछन् । “फर्मालिन मिसिएको आइसमा नराख्ने हो भने ४-५ दिनको बाटो पार गरेर काठमाडौंसम्म माछा आइपुग्नै सक्तैन नि ।” माछा व्यवसायसँग सम्बद्ध स्रोत भन्छ, “आन्ध्रमा त माछा हुर्काउन प्रयोग गरिने दाना पनि अखाद्य प्रयोग हुन्छ ।”
काठमाडौंबाट आन्ध्र करिव २८ सय किमीको दूरीमा छ । अझ त्यो माछा त आन्ध्रबाट १५ सय किमी उत्तर-पूर्वमा रहेको कलकत्ता हुँदै आउँछ । यति लामो बाटो पार गरेर काठमाडौं आइपुगेको माछा उपभोक्ताको भान्सामा पुग्दा कम्तीमा पनि आठ दिन पुरानो भइसकेको हुन्छ । यद्यपि ‘ताजा’जस्तो देखिन्छ । यसको मूलकारण ‘फर्मालिन’को प्रयोग नै हो । अझ काठमाडौंमा ताजा राख्न प्रयोग गरिने बरफ पनि प्रदूषित हुने गरेको भनाइ जानकारहरुको छ । हामी नेपाली उपभोक्ता भने विषादिका कारण कुहिन नसकेको, फोहरी बरफमा राखिएको माछा निर्धक्क खाइरहेका छौं । हाम्रो पाचनशक्तिलाई मान्नैपर्छ ।
के हो फर्मालिन ?
खाद्यविज्ञ विशेष कट्टेलका अनुसार फर्मालिन भनेको लासलाई सड्न नदिन प्रयोग गरिने केमिकल हो । यसबाट मानोडिहाड भन्ने ग्यास उत्पन्न हुन्छ । यो ग्यास मानव शरीरका लागि अत्यन्तै घातक छ । “फर्मालिनमा राखिएको माछा खायो भने त्यो लिभरमा गएर बस्छ र लिभर क्यान्सरको सिकार बनाउँछ ।” कट्टेल भन्छन्, “किड्नी ड्यामेज, जडिन्स आदि पनि हुन्छ । यसले जिनेटिक शक्तिलाई नष्ट गराउँछ ।” उनका अनुसार फर्मालिनको मात्रा अलि बढी भयो भने मान्छेको ज्यानै पनि जान सक्छ ।
जानकारहरुका अनुसार छिटो कुहिने भएकैले माछा संक्रमण फैलाउने वस्तु हो । तर काठमाडौंमा बेचिने माछामा हत्तपत्त झिंगा बस्दैन । हामी झिंगाले पनि बस्न आँट नगर्ने केमिकलयुक्त माछा निर्धक्क खाइरहेका छौं । देशलाई माछामा आत्मनिर्भर बनाउने कागजी कार्यक्रम तयार पारेर राज्यकोषबाट तलब पचाउँदै आएका सरकारी अधिकारीहरु त्यही विषाक्त माछालाई प्रोत्साहित गरिरहेका छन् । कालीमाटी तरकारी बजारको सरकारी जग्गामा बसेर निर्धक्क बिक्रीवितरण गर्न दिइरहेका छन् ।
सरकारी अधिकारीमाथि बिकेको आरोप
बालाजुमा रहेको सरकारको केन्द्रिय मत्य विकास विकास कार्यक्रमका. प्रमुख रमानन्द मिश्र ‘फर्मालिन’ लाई विषाक्त तत्व मान्दैनन् । “माछामा खास किसिमका रोगहरु लाग्दा उपचारका लागि फर्मालिनको प्रयोग गरिन्छ ।” अनलाइनखबरसँगको कुराकानीमा उनले भने, “लिमिटभन्दा बढी भयो भने मात्र यसले असर गर्ने हो ।” मिश्रका अनुसार “आन्ध्रबाट आउने माछामा फर्मालिन प्रयोग भएको छ भन्नु बेकारको कुरा हो । अरुले कमाएको देखेर आरिस गर्ने केही व्यापारीहरुले गरेको प्रोपोगण्डा मात्र हो ।” आन्ध्रबाट आएको माछामा झिंगा पनि बस्दैन, कसरी फर्मालिन प्रयोग भएको छैन भन्न सक्नुहुन्छ ? भन्ने प्रश्नमा उनले उल्टो प्रतिप्रश्न गरे, “त्यो माछामा फर्मालिन प्रयोग भएको छ भन्ने तपाईंसँग के प्रमाण छ ?”
त्यसपछि सोधियो, तपाईंको यो कुराले त विदेशी उत्पादनलाई सहयोग पुग्दैन ? सरकारका मत्य विकास प्रमुख भएर नेपाली किसानलाई प्रोत्साहित गर्नु सट्टा यस्तो कुरा गर्न मिल्छ ? जवाफमा उनले भने, “हाम्रो उद्देश्य भनेको जनताले सस्तो र गुणस्तरीय माछा खान पाउनु पर्‍यो, त्यो जहाँको पनि हुनसक्छ ।” यो भनाईले त तपाईं आन्ध्रबाट माछा ल्याउने व्यापारीहरुको पृष्ठपोषक हो भन्ने आरोपलाई पुष्टि गर्दैन र ? भन्ने पुरकप्रश्नमा उनले भने “त्यसै आरोप लगाउन पाइन्छ ? नेपाली किसानको माछा किनेर ल्याउने व्यापारीहरुले त्योभन्दा सस्तो दरमा जनतालाई उपलब्ध गराउन् न, उनीहरुको पक्षमा भइहाल्छु नि ।” उनले आन्ध्रको माछासँग प्रतिष्पर्धा गर्न नसकेर नेपाली किसान निरुत्साहित भएको तथ्य पनि अस्वीकार गरे ।
मुंग्री र प्याकेटका माछा पनि अखाद्य
फर्मालिनप्रति सचेत कतिपय उपभोक्ताको रोजाइमा मुंग्री माछा पर्ने गरेको छ । सुनसरीको भीमनगर हुँदै आउने यो माछा खासगरी भारतको औद्योगिक शहर दुर्गापुरका खोलानालहरुको उत्पादन हुने गरेको छ । औद्योगिक केमिकल मिसिएको त्यहाँको पानी शुद्ध पार्न मुंग्री माछाका भूरा हाल्ने गरिएको छ । व्यापारीहरुले तिनलाई छिटो हुर्काउन सिनो र बोसो दिने गरेका छन् । स्थानीयले छुनसमेत अयोग्य ठानेका ती माछा हामी नेपालीले निर्धक्क खाइरहेका छौं । स्रोतका अनुसार काठमाडौं वरपर पालिने मुंग्री माछा हुर्काउन पनि फर्मालिनयुक्त माछाको आन्द्राभुँडी, भैंसीको मासुको अखाद्य अंश, सिनो आदि प्रयोग गरिन्छ । त्यो माछा पोखरीकै डिलमा प्रतिकेजी ३०० मा बिक्री हुन्छ ।
कतिपय सम्पन्न परिवारले सुपरमार्केटहरुमा पाइने प्याकेटको माछालाई स्वस्थकर मान्ने गरेका छन् । थाइल्याण्ड, चीन आदि मुलुकबाट आउने ती माछा पनि अस्वस्थकर भएको दावी जानकारहरुको छ । उनीहरुका अनुसार विदेशी उत्पादकले ती माछालाई फ्रोजन गरेरै प्याक गरेका हुन्छन् । तर कम्तीमा २४ घन्टाको हवाइयात्रा र ४-५ दिनको गाडीयात्राबाट आइपुग्ने ती माछा बाटैमा गन्हाउन सुरु भइसकेको हुन्छ । काठमाडौं आइपुगेपछि पुनः फ्रोजन त गरिन्छ तर ढुस्स गन्हाउन छाड्दैन । एकजना व्यापारी भन्छन् “चीसो मेन्टेन गरेर ल्याउनेहरुको बाहेक अरु सबै माछा अखाद्य छन् ।” तर शहरका सभ्य भनाउँदाहरु सिनोजस्तो ठस्स गन्हाउने त्यही माछालाई मीठो मानेर खाइरहेका छन् ।
नेपाली किसानको कन्तविजोग
व्यापारीहरुका अनुसार काठमाडौंको बजारमा एकसय ५० रुपैयाँ प्रति केजीको मुंग्रीदेखि ३८ सय रुपैयाँ प्रतिकेजीको साल्मोन जातको माछा बिक्री भइरहेको छ । माछाबाट मात्रै दैनिक सरदर ४८ देखि ९० लाख रुपैयाँसम्म विदेशिइरहेको छ । नेपाली किसानको भागमा भने केही हजार मात्र पर्ने गरेको छ ।
नेपाली भूमि माछा उत्पादनका लागि अति उत्तम मानिन्छ । यहाँको चीसो पानीमा हुर्कने असल जातको माछा त विश्वका सर्वोत्कृष्ट माछामध्ये एक हो । जुन माछा सयग्रामको हुन कम्तीमा दुइ ती बर्ष लाग्छ । ककनीतिर पाइने रेन्बो ट्राउट पनि असलाको भाइ मात्र हो । तर माछा प्रवर्द्धनको जिम्मा लिएका र सडकमा चेकजाँचमा बसेका भन्सार, क्वारेन्टाइन, पुलिस आदि सरकारी अधिकारीहरुको गैरजिम्मेवार व्यवहारका कारण नेपाली किसानले प्रोत्साहन पाउन सकेका छैनन् । उल्टो हतोत्साहित गर्ने गरिएको छ । “भारतबाट लाइन मिलाएर ल्याइएको अखाद्य माछा बोकेको ट्रकलाई सरसरी आउन दिन्छन् । तर हामीले ल्यायौँ भने बाटैमा छेकेर हैरान बनाउँछन् ।” कालीमाटीमा भेटिएका कपिलवस्तुका एक माछा किसानले भने, “यस्तो स्थितिमा कसरी माछापालन गर्न सकिन्छ ।” उनको भनाइमा माछा गिरोहले भन्सारदेखि मन्त्रालयसम्मका अधिकारीहरुलाई पालेको छ । उनीहरुका भान्सामा नियमित रुपमा माछा पुर्‍याएर ‘सेवा’ गर्दै आएकै कारण नेपाली किसानले हैरानी खेप्नु परेको हो ।
लागतको दृष्टिले पनि नेपाली किसानको माछा महँगो पर्छ । किसानहरुका अनुसार भारत सरकारले अनुदान दिएका कारण आन्ध्रको उत्पादन सस्तो छ । प्रतिकेजी २७० मा काठमाडौंका उपभोक्ताले पाउँछन् । तर नेपाली माछाको उत्पादन लागत पोखरीको डिलबाट झिक्दैखेरि प्रतिकेजी २५० देखि ३०० सम्म पर्छ । वीरगञ्ज सेरोफेरोमा उत्पादन हुने छडी माछाको लागत पनि त्यही हो । झिकेको आधाघन्टा भित्रमा फ्रोजन गरेर ल्याउने हो भने मूल्य केही महँगो भए पनि हानिकारक हुँदैनन् । तर यसतर्फ सरकारी निकायको ध्यान गएको देखिँदैन । एकजना व्यापारी नाम उल्लेख नगरिदिन आग्रह गर्दै भन्छन्, “उपभोक्ता सचेत हुँदासम्ममा नेपाली माछा उत्पादकहरु पेशाबाट पलायन भइसकेका हुन्छन् ।” सरकारी अधिकारीहरुको रवैया हेर्दा लाग्छ, त्यो दिन अब टाढा छैन ।
साभार :अन्लाईन खबर

Smokers Have High Risk Altitude Sickness

If you smoke and do not exercise regularly, then there are high chances of your suffering altitude sickness.

This is the conclusion drawn at a programme of discussion organized by Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) here on Sunday.

Professor Dr. Paolo Cerretelli of the Institute for the Study of Molecular Biology, Italy, cited a study which found that 93 per cent of mountaineers and porters accompanying them who smoked and did no exercise suffered from altitude sickness.

Cerrretelli advised those who aspire to become climbers to completely abstain from smoking and the women who spent most of their time in kitchen and aspire to accompany mountaineering expeditions as assistants to use improved oven. He said this was proved by a study carried out from 1953 to 2012.

Professor Annalisa Cogo, Director at the Pulmonary Disease Study Centre at the Ferar University, Italy, said that the findings of the study should be seriously considered not only in terms of the health of mountaineers but also of the health of the people living in the mountain region.

She said of the mountaineers who died in course of climbing 17 different mountains above 8,000 metres high from 1963 to 1968, the highest number died due to altitude sickness.  One hundred sixty-three mountaineers died of altitude sickness in that period.

Ambassador of Italy to Nepal, Deniele Mancini, stressed the need of launching a special programme in the mountainous region of the country for promoting healthy living among the people there. The Government of Italy is willing to provide support to this endeavour, he added.

Vice Chancellor of NAST, Prof. (Dr.) Surendraraj Kafle, Secretary Prakash Chandra Adhikari and Chief of NAST Planning and Monitoring Division, Chiranjivi Regmi also spoke on the problem of high altitude sickness and the ways of mitigating the same. RSS

Sleeping too little or too much may up disease risk

Sleeping for less than six hours or more than 10 hours a night is linked with chronic diseases-including coronary heart disease, diabetes, anxiety and obesity-in adults age 45 and older, a new study has found.

According to the study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), short sleepers reported a higher prevalence of coronary heart disease, stroke and diabetes, in addition to obesity and frequent mental distress, compared with optimal sleepers who reported sleeping seven to nine hours on average in a 24-hour period.

The same was true for long sleepers, and the associations with coronary heart disease, stroke and diabetes were even more pronounced with more sleep.

“This suggests that physicians should consider monitoring mental health and body weight in addition to sleep health for patients with chronic diseases,” Croft said.
“Some of the relationships between unhealthy sleep durations and chronic diseases were partially explained by frequent mental distress and obesity,” said study co-author Janet B Croft, senior chronic disease epidemiologist in CDC’s Division of Population Health.

The study involved more than 54,000 participants age 45 or older. Nearly one third of participants (31 per cent) were identified as short sleepers, meaning they reported sleeping six hours or less on average.

More than 64 per cent were classified as optimal sleepers, and only 4 per cent of participants were long sleepers.

“Common sleep illnesses – including sleep apnea and insomnia – occur frequently in people with a chronic disease and can hinder your ability to sleep soundly.

“It’s critical that adults aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night to receive the health benefits of sleep, but this is especially true for those battling a chronic condition,” said Dr M Safwan Badr, president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM).

“So if you’re waking up exhausted, speak with a sleep physician to see if there’s a problem. If you are diagnosed with a sleep illness, treating it could significantly improve disease symptoms and your quality of life,” Badr said.


Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation.
Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system..

Overweight and at work? Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria found pressure at work leads to gorging on comfort food like chocolate and chips. Looking at 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found the most obese were more likely to be in high-pressure jobs. The report concluded that, to avoid panic-induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar levels by snacking on high carbohydrate foods every two hours to keep levels steady.
The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chronicler cases It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.

Many other cultures see bananas as a ‘cooling’ fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In Thailand , for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature.

9 simple tricks to fall into deep slumber

Lying awake in bed unable to doze off? We give you nine simple ways to trick yourself into a peaceful slumber

We all know that a glass of hot milk and a warm bath are supposed to relax us before bed. But what when you still can't slip into a good sleep? Trick yourself to shuteye by using these expert natural tips:

Left nostril magic
This yoga method is known to reduce blood pressure and calm you. The way to do it is to lie on your left side, and rest a finger on your right nostril to close it. Start slow, deep breathing through the left nostril. This technique is particularly good when overheating or menopausal hot flushes are preventing sleep.

Squeeze and relax
Relaxing all your muscles can prepare your body for sleep. Lie on your back, take a deep, slow breath in through your nose and, at the same time, squeeze your toes tightly as if you are trying to curl them under your foot. Then release the squeeze. On another slow breath, curl your foot up toward your knee, then release. Breathe again, contract your calf muscles, then your thighs, buttocks, belly, chest, arms, and so on until you have moved all the way up your body, squeezing and releasing the muscles one by one. When you have gone from head to toe, your breathing should be steady and you should feel ready for sleep.

Stay up
Challenge yourself to stay awake, and your mind will rebel. This phenomenon is called the sleep paradox. Keep your eyes wide open, and repeat 'I will not sleep'. The brain doesn't process negatives well. It will interpret this as an instruction to sleep and eye muscles tire quickly as sleep creeps up.

Press rewind
Remembering the mundane details of the day in reverse order clears your mind of worries. Recall conversations, sights and sounds as you go. It helps you to reach a mental state that's ready for sleep.

Visualisation meditation works best when you use at least three senses. Imagine yourself in a situation where you feel content — a tropical paradise, sailing on calm waters, walking in flower fields. As you explore your 'happy place', imagine smelling flowers, feeling grass or sand under your feet, and hearing water lap against the boat. You should soon feel relaxed and drift off.

Hum to yourself
Sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes, drop your shoulders, relax your jaw, but keep your mouth gently closed. Breathe in through your nose as deeply as is comfortable, ensuring your abdomen, not chest, rises.

Breathe gently out of your mouth, lips together so you hum. Try to hum for the whole outbreath. Notice how it vibrates in your chest. Focus fully on this vibration over six breaths then sit quietly for a moment. Tell yourself you are ready for sleep, get up and hit the bed.

That's the point
There are special points in your body which promote sleep when pressed gently but firmly. Put your thumb on the point between your eyebrows at the top of your nose, where there's a slight indent. Hold for 20 seconds, release and repeat twice more.

Next, sit on the edge of the bed and put your right foot across your left knee. Find the slight indent between your big toe and second toe and press in the same way. Finally, still supporting your right foot, find the point just below the nail on the upper side of your second toe. Using the thumb and forefinger of your right hand, gently squeeze the toe.

Find your trigger
The key to this trick is to start the habit as you drift off during a period when you are sleeping well, then you can use it when you have difficulty. Do something unusual, such as stroking your cheek, as you nod off. Focus all your attention on what the movement feels like. Over successive nights, your body will learn to associate it with sleep and repeating it should convince your body it's sleepy.

Make a worry list
Going over a to-do list in bed is a major cause of insomnia. Often it's because you're frightened of forgetting what needs doing. So before going to bed, write your list on paper so you can forget it until next day. You could also imagine filing your thoughts in a cabinet. You'll feel calmer and are more likely to sleep.

थाई मालिस - अहिले सम्म 267,657,715 हेरेको तपाई कतै छुट्नु त भएन ल हेर्नुहोस

पुरा भिडीयो हेर्नको लागि माथिको बक्समा क्लिक गर्नुहोला !
तपाई एक्लै हुनुन्छ भने मात्र यो भिडियो हेर्नु होला परिवार वा कुनै मान्यज सँग हुनुन्छ भने तल माथि क्लिक नगर्नु होला यो भिडियो तपाई अठार वर्ष को हुनु हुन्छ भने मात्र हेर्नु होला

पुरा भिडीयो हेर्नको लागि तलको बक्समा क्लिक गर्नुहोला !

अत्यधिक हस्तमैथुनको बानी कसरी हटाउने ? जानी राखौ

झकास सेक्सी भिडियोहरु  हेर्न यो माथिको बक्सको बिचमा क्लिक गर्नुहोस

किशोरावस्था तथा युवावस्थामा यौनइच्छा सबैभन्दा तीव्र र बढी हुने भए पनि उनीहरूले गर्ने यौन व्यवहारमा रोकमात्र लगाइन्छ । अहिले युवाहरूको विवाह हुने उमेर बढी हुँदै गए पनि यौनेच्छा मेट्ने बाटोचाहिँ खुला गरिँदैन । हस्तमैथुन पनि त्यसैको चपेटामा परेको छ र यस विषयमा कतिपय गलत धारणा पनि छन् ।

यौनआनन्द पाउने उपायहरूमध्ये यौन अङ्गको घर्षण नै प्रमुख हो । यौनसम्पर्कमा यौनाङ्गहरू नै एक-आपसमा घर्षण गराइन्छ । यस्तो घर्षण अरू कसैको यौन अङ्गमा गराउँदा मात्र होइन, हातले गराउँदा पनि आनन्द आउँछ । सिद्वान्ततः यौनसम्पर्क गर्दा र हस्तमैथुन गर्दा यौन आनन्द पाउने प्रक्रिया उस्तै हो । त्यसैले सम्भोग गर्दा हानि नहुने र हस्तमैथुन गर्दा हानि हुने कुरा भन्न मिलेन । कतिपय गलत धारणा वा भ्रमहरू व्याप्त भए पनि हस्तमैथुनले स्वास्थ्यसम्बन्धी हानि-नोक्सानी गर्दैन । हस्तमैथुनले यौनइच्छाको दमनबाट हुने तनावबाट मुक्ति दिलाउँछ । यो महत्त्वपूर्ण फाइदा हो । त्यसैगरी हस्तमै थुनले अनावश्यक गर्भधारण, देहव्यापारीसँगको यौनसम्बन्ध, यस्ता क्रियाकलापमा खर्च हुने धन तथा समयको दुरुपयोगबाट पनि बचाउँछ । अर्को व्यक्तिसँग यौनसम्पर्क नै नहुने भएकाले अहिले चर्चामा रहेका एड्स वा अन्य यौनरोगहरू लाग्नबाट पनि बचिन्छ ।

पूर्वमा गर्मी छल्नेका लागि

 - खपिनसक्नु गर्मीले तरतरी पसीना चुहिरहेका वेला कुनै समुद्रि छालको झझल्को दिने दृष्य अनि पछाडिबाट मधुर सांगीतिक धुनमा झरी परेको ठाउँमा नाच्नुको मजा नै अर्कै हुदो रहेछ, पानी पार्कमा भेटिएका मदन कार्कीले भने, 'मैले सोचे भन्दा निकै रमाइलो रहेछ, यो ओसियन पार्क ।' एक हुल मान्छेहरु घामको ताप वाट वच्न पानी मुनी पस्छन् र निस्कन्छन् । कोही पनि छोडेर वाहिर निस्कने पक्षमा छैन् । पालै पालो ठाउँ परिवर्तन गरी गरी पानी पार्कमा रमाइ रहेका हुल देख्दा जो कोहीलाई पनि एक पटक लेगा खोलेर चुर्लुम डुवुल्की मार्न मन लाग्छ ।
तराईको उखुम गर्मी छल्नका लागि यति वेला धेरैको गन्तब्य स्थान बन्न थालेको छ, ओसियन पार्क । पूर्वको चौवाटो भनेर चिनिने इटहरी चोकवाट दक्षिणतर्फ प्रस्तावित क्षेत्रीय रंगशालाको छेउमै वनेको यो पानी पार्कमा यति वेला पानीमा रमाउनेहरुका लागि नगइ नहुने स्थान बनेको छ ।
दुइ विगाहा ९ धुर क्षेत्रफलमा बनेको ओसियन पार्क एण्ड रिसोर्टमा समुद्रि छाल, रेनडान्य, रेम्बो स्लाइट, फेम्ली स्लाइट र सुइमीङपुल मुख्य आक्रषण रहेका छन् । शनिवार पार्कमा अढाइ सय भन्दा वढि पानीमा खेली रहेका थिए । स-साना नानीदेखि युगल जोडी मात्र हैन उमेर ढल्केकाहरु समेत पानीको छाल सँगै मातीरहेका थिए ।
पार्क सञ्चालक डम्बर तामाङ पार्कमा साडे आठ करोड रुपैयाँ लगानी भइसकेको वताउँछन् ।  चार जनाको समुह मिलेर पार्क स्थापना गरेका हुन् । 'पार्क पुरा हुँदा ११ करोड रुपैयाँ खर्च हुन्छ,' तामाङले भने । यो पार्क पूर्वको मात्र नभइ नेपालकै एक मात्र नमुना हुने तामाङको दाबी छ ।
पार्कमा एकै पटक ५ सय जना अटाउने छन् । दैनिक तिन सय भन्दा बढि मान्छे आउने तामाङले वताए । 'हामीलाई दैनिक ३ सय भन्दा बढि मान्छे आउँछने भन्ने विश्वास छ,' तामाङले भने, 'केहि बर्षयतादेखि आन्तरिक पर्यटनको सोचमा समेत विकास भइ सकेकाले र्पाक चल्छ भन्नेमा हामी विश्वास्त छौ ।' पूर्व क्षेत्रमा राम्रो पार्क नभएको गुनासो सवैतिरवाट आइ रहेकावेला यो पार्कले धेरैलाई तान्ने  उनको दावी छ । 
कल्कत्ताको निको, डिल्लीको स्पाल्स फण्ड पार्कको झल्को दिन गरी पार्क निर्माण गरीएको सञ्चालक तामाङले वताए । पार्कमा रिसोर्ट बनाउन थालिएको छ । 
पछिल्लो समय पूर्वका विराटनगर, इटहरी, धरान, भेडेटार लगाएतका क्षेत्रमा होटल तथा रेष्टुराँहरुमा लगानी बढ्दो छ । इटहरी बजारमा अन्य वजारको भन्दा मान्छेको आवतजावत समेत बढि नै हुने गर्छ ।
पार्कमा प्रवेशका लागि शुल्क तिर्नु पर्छ । ५ सय रुपैयाँ तिरेपछि दिन भर सवै पानी पोखरीहरुमा डुबुल्की मार्न पाइन्छ भने बालबालिकाहरुलाई ३५० रुपैयाँ मात्र लाग्ने गर्छ । यसका अलवा अन्य स्विमीङ मात्र गर्न मन लागे १७५ तिरे पुग्छ । पार्कमा जिम हल समेत राखिएको छ ।
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