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मान्छे कसरी बुडो हुदोरहेछ

मान्छे कसरी बुडो हुदोरहेछ

Step Up, Height increasing formula launched by City Brand Marketing

Who don’t want a good height and a body? Yes, everybody wants if it’s possible in a natural way without any side effects. Step Up formula from City Brand Marketing, Nepal ia an ayurvedic herbal body growth formula which uses 100% natural ingredients that stimulates body parts for natural and balanced growth. The Step Up formula has appropriate combination of ingredients like Kali Mirch, Pipal, Baheda, Ashwagandha, Saunth, Awla, Harad, Vidhara, Halo and Mishri which are consumed by humans since thousands of years and each individual ingredients used has it’s own benefits to the body.A good height opens up opportunities in different feilds like modelling, air hostess etc.

Step Up body growth formula claims for growth of body in a natural and balanced way and had been used worldwide with a very high success rate. It enhances the body organs for growth according to time especially for the people whose physical growth is not continous because of insufficient required ingredients in food as a result of their eating habits.

Step Up Body Growth formula Vs Yoko Height increaser

Step Up body growth formula has many benifits over yoko height increasing sole. Step Up body growth formula is natural way of increasing body in balanced way, which doesen’t increse only height but plays a role on usual growth with just a spoon full of mixture regularly. On the other hand, yoko height increaser is a painful method and focuses for growth of only height which may disturb the natural balance of body growth. Yoko height increaser has a lots of side effects like back pain, uneasy feeling and it don’t work for most of the people.

Does Step Up height increasing formula really works?The marketer of Step Up height increasing formula claims yes it works and it’s not necessary to consume it if you have right amount of ingredients as mentiond in Step Up in your regular food. Step Up is needed because the daily food we consume doestn’t have right amount of ingredients that is needed for balanced growth of body and Step Up formula is required for everyone in today’s world. Step Up formula has different other positive effect on your health like increase memory power, increase immunity power and the best of this formula is it doesen’t have any side effect.

If anyone wants these world class product directly in Nepal here is the complete address.

City Brands Marketing pvt.Ltd
Phone No:9851156778, 9801156788, 012299087
 New Baneshwor, Baneshwor Plaza, Kathmandu
(Beside to Computer Bazar)

माइनस ४५ डिग्रीको चिसोमा बस्ने आदिवासी, पहिलोपटक सार्वजनिक भयो तस्वीर

हड्डीसमेत जम्ने माइनस ४५ डिग्री चिसो क्षेत्र जसलाई यो पृथ्वीको अन्तिम विन्दु भन्दा फरक नपर्ला । तपाई कल्पना पनि गर्न सक्नुहुन्न होला, यस्तो ज्यानै खाने चिसोमा बिना सुबिधा, बिना आधुनिकता एउटा आदीवासी समुदाय सयौं बर्षदेखि आफ्नो जिविका चलाइरहेका छन् ।

नेपालका राउटेजस्तै घुमन्ते जीवन जिउने रसियाको एउटा आदिवासी समुदाय यस्तै चिसोमा गुजारा चलाइरहेको छ । जहाँ पुगेर रुसी फोटोग्राफर सासा लीअहोवसेनकोले आफ्नो क्यामरामा विचित्रको जीवन जिउने जनजातिको जीवनशैली तस्वीरमा उतारेका छन् । रुसको टुन्ड्राको चुकोटामा बस्ने यो घुमन्ते जनजातिका पुरुष, महिला, बच्चा र पाल्तु जनावर र उनीहरुको जीवनशैलीको तस्वीर सम्वभत पहिलोपटक बाहिर आएको छ । उनले खिचेको आफ्नै तस्वीर हेर्दा आदिवासीहरु निकै आश्चर्यमा परेका थिए ।

उनले २०११ मा टुन्ड्राको चुकोटा क्षेत्रको यात्रा गरेका थिए । यो वर्ष उनी दोस्रो पटक त्यहाँ गएका हुन् । त्यो क्षेत्र जहाँ न सडक छ न जीवन चलाउन चाहिने अन्य आवश्यकता नै । मानिसहरु हिउँले ढाकिएको झुप्रामा बस्छन् । उनीहरुको सहारा घरपालुवा जनावर नै हो, जसको मासु खाएर उनीहरु जीवन निर्वाहा गर्छन् । फोटोग्राफर लीअहोवसेनको उनीहरुको पहिलो पाहुना थिए, जसले आफ्नो जीवन जोखिममा राखेर त्यहाँ जाने साहस गरे ।

हेरौं, जोखिममा पनि आनन्दसाथ जीवन बिताइरहेका यी आदिवासीको जीवनशैली–

हिमाली टाकुरामा डरलाग्दो डोरीको यात्रा, तर यो सर्कस हैन

जमिनबाट ३ सय ८० फिटमाथि डोरीमा टेहेर हिड्ने ? हामी कल्पना समेत गर्न डराउँछौं । तर, फ्रान्सका जूलियन मिलोटले सोच्दै डरलाग्दो काम सजिलै गरिदिएका छन् ।

मोन्ट ब्लंक पर्वत हुँदै चल्ने केबल कारको दुई इन्च मोटो लठ्ठामा हिडेर उनीले सबैलाई चकित पारेका छन् । डोरीमै उनले झण्डै २ सय फिटको यात्रा गरे । पाराडस्की स्की क्षेत्रको वर्षगाँठको अबसरमा उनले यो साहसिक यात्रा गरेका हुन् ।

पेशाले इन्जिनियर उनलाई पहाड निकै मन पर्छ र उनी कुशल पर्वतारोही समेत हुन् । यति मात्र होइन, उनी बेस जम्पिङदेखि प्याराग्लाइडिङसम्म गर्न पछि पर्दैनन् । जूलियनसँगै उनका साथी ट्याक्रिड मेलेटले पनि साहसिक यात्रा गरेका छन् । जसलाई एक डकुमेन्ट्रीमा समावेश गरिएको छ । जसको नामको हो ‘आई बिलिभ, आई क्यान फ्लाइ ।’

७ फिटको पुठ्ठोवाली भन्छिन–‘बुढाहरु मदेखि भुतुक्कै हुन्छन’

हामी आज तपाईलाई भेटाउँदै छौं, सारा मासीसँग । यी असाधारण महिला जसको पुठ्ठोको साइज ७ फिट चौडा छ, एक्ट्रा लार्ज साइडको ट्राउजर चाहिन्छ, अनि जस्तोतस्तो शौचालयमा बस्दा प्यान नै भाँचिन सक्छ ।

तर पनि सारा मासीलाई सबैभन्दा ठूलो नितम्ब भएकोमा गर्व छ । शिकागोकी दुई बच्चाकी आमा सारा धेरै हिडडुल गर्न सक्दिनन् । तर, कीर्तिमानी आकारको उनको नितम्बले उनलाई मासिक रुपमा ७ सय ५० पाउन्ड अशक्त भत्ता दिलाएको छ ।

सुरु–सुरुमा उनलाई मानिसहरुबाट आउने प्रतिक्रियाले निकै नराम्रो लाग्थ्यो । विद्यालयमा जाँदा केटाकेटीहरु उनलाई डम्प ट्रक भनेर जिस्काउँथे । तर, अहिले शिर ठाडो गरेर हिड्ने गरेको उनले बताइन् । ‘अब म यसप्रति गर्व गर्छु र विश्वलाई देखाउन चाहन्छु ।’ उनले भनेकी छिन ।

आफ्नो शशिरले ठूलो जिउडाल भएका बिश्वभरका महिलालाई उत्साह मिल्ने उनको दावी छ । फ्यानका लागि फोटो सुट समेत गरेकी उनले भनिन–‘मेरो पुठ्ठोले बुढो उमेरका पुरुषहरुलाई निकै आर्कर्षित गर्छ, त्यसमा मेरा पति पनि एक हुन् ।’

तन्नेरी केटाहरुले आफ्ना स्लीम साथीहरुमाथि आँखा लगाउने गरे पनि बुढाहरुले भने आफ्नो शरीरको खुवै तारिफ गर्ने उनले बताइन् । ’त्यसैले मभन्दा १०÷२० बर्ष बुढाहरुसँगै मेरो सम्बन्ध हुने गरेको छ ।’ उनले भनिन् ।

ठूलो पुठ्ठोे बंशाणुगत उपहार भएको उनले बताइन् । ‘मेरो सानो बहिनीबाहेक सवै परिवारका सदस्यको पुठ्ठो ठूलो छ, मैले खाने जङ्क फुडको कुनै योगदान छैन ।’

यति ठूलो भारी बोकेर हिड्नुपर्दा आफुलाई जज्जाभन्दा पनि पीडा भएको उनले बताइन् । यसकै कारण ढाडको समस्या देखिन थालेपछि उनलाई हल्ला साइज घटाउन पाए हुनेथियो भन्ने लागिरहेको छ ।

Love, Hate, and Bat-sh*t Crazy in Marriage

I love and hate my husband.  Shocked?  There are things about him which I can't tolerate and end up having to just ignore.  And I don't mean just that he doesn't pick up his socks (which he doesn't.) I know he feels the same way.  For many years, he's called those parts he hates - the alien.  One morning he woke, he says, looked across the bed and saw her - the alien.

I'm too anxious, he thinks. He risks too much, I think. I want more order; he's more laid-back. I need lots more reassurance, he has traditionally needed more autonomy. Even today, we're in the backyard with our dogs, working under the trees with our separate laptops enjoying some parallel work. We talk about going for a long walk later and he mentions he's going to the pool. I feel let down. Our togetherness will be broken. I know it's clingy and crazy. I still feel it. The difference now is I don't whine about it. I let go. Fortunately for him, sex is reassuring to me. Sometimes we see the shadow in our partner at the altar. So many young couples tell me that sex goes off-line for them almost on their wedding day. Truly the veil is lifted from our eyes and suddenly we see the imperfection of who we are marrying. It's frightening - sometimes frightening enough to not want to give the love we've just promised.

Twenty-seven years ago, as I shut the hotel door on my wedding night, I asked myself, "what do I really know about this man?!" He told me I hadn't danced with him enough at the reception. One night we didn't make love in Hawaii; I didn't know what to make of it. We both felt devastated at some point on the honeymoon. Our perfection had been quickly shattered.

Being a "good-enough" parent means acknowledging that we love and hate our kids. Sometimes they are little sh*ts. I know we drive them crazy too - they love and hate us. I follow an extremely, funny, Facebook friend who shares all the magnificent things her kid does.Occasionally she wants to strangle her precious darling too. I'm sure my friend is a terrific mother because she doesn't spend any energy fretting over her parental ambivalence. Our youngest son says his dad is the most patient person he knows. Dad's password for monitoring the kids' computer time and access has been "kidssuck." We all have mixed feelings for our loved ones. Acknowledging them on the inside allows us to get a hold of the shadow.

Light and dark. It's inside us too. We hate that we're not perfect, that we come from families that are slightly crazy (or mostly crazy) that now we do things that are halfway crazy. Parts that we hated about our parents are now manifest in our relationships. Yuck. Somehow accepting our shadow gives us space to begin to understand it.  My husband says that all our personality parts have good intentions but sometimes don't know about effective ways to help us and end up hurting us.  Worrying about our own shadow can take all the energy we've got and give our partner a break as we let up on them.

Last night, someone at my Social Saturday gathering said, she believed everyone had a little "bat-shit crazy" in them. I do - I'll bet you do too.

Hint - if you read this post and thought, "my partner needs to read this," you missed my point.

Join my daily blog on AskLaurieWatson. You can find my book Wanting Sex Again on Amazon and at your local bookstore.  For weekend retreats, intensives and consultations go to Sex Therapy.


A man's perspective on why engagement rings are a joke
Most of us are adult enough to know magic doesn't exist. And yet we're the same species that thinks fat rings are fairy-tale items which somehow "secure" another person's love, one step away from a "happily ever after".

They're expensive, useless and, worse, are insulting to notions of actual love. As anyone who's been in a serious long-term relationship knows, you don't need geology to proclaim (let alone justify) said love.

Before you take me for a cheapskate who just doesn't want to spend the money on a ring, let me explain a bit more. Many of us, especially men, have strapped our feet to the commercialised notions of what constitutes relationships. We've turned into zombies, hungry for all things red and supposedly lovey dovey. We buy into the baffling displays of romance like the nauseating crimson heart-shaped horror show we call Valentine's Day. Or the flowers and boxed chocolates we're supposed to deliver on anniversaries to celebrate monogamous tolerance and the disbelief you haven't murdered each other.

We speed through our finances and morals, enjoying the exhilaration of fitting in to societal expectation, as opposed to reflecting on whether our actions are warranted or justified. And our partners seem all too ready to go along with it.

Engagement rings – specifically expensive diamond ones – are often prime examples of this unthinking mindset. The problem isn't the rings themselves, but the justifications – or the lack of justifications – behind their acquisition.

We mustn't confuse engagement rings – given, usually to a woman, when a proposal is accepted – and wedding rings – given on wedding day. (Already, we should recognise how strange it is to need two different kinds of rings.)

Whatever the long history of engagement items – I've heard claims of it dating from ancient Egypt or Rome, for example – the focus on engagement rings should really start with De Beers, in the 20th century.

After large diamond mines were discovered here in South Africa around 1870, the mines' major investors amalgamated their interests to form De Beers Consolidates Mines. They recognised that due to diamonds having little intrinsic value, they would need to create demand via (the illusion of) scarcity and pretend worth. So began one of the most successful marketing and public manipulation campaigns of the 20th century, originating from four words: "A diamond is forever".

By convincing men their love for their future wife is directly proportional to the expense of the diamond ring, and convincing women to expect love in the form of shiny stone, De Beers and their marketers, NW Ayer, began a tradition so embedded we forget it's a marketing ploy. Genius marketing, to be sure, but marketing nonetheless.

And guess what? The prices keep going up, as if we are really loving more and deeper these days. According to the XO Group Inc 2011 Engagement Engagement & Jewelry survey, the average engagement ring cost $5,200. If you think that's bad, consider that nearly 12% of US couples spend more than $8,000 for an engagement ring. Of course, we should take such stats with some measure of scepticism, as Will Oremus highlights. Nonetheless, these are the prices at a time when the average American family earns less than it did in 1989.

The American bias of these stats shouldn't negate the overall point: diamonds – and therefore diamond rings – are expensive and the demand was created artificially for an item that's only property here is shininess (it decreases in value as soon as you walk out the store).

Any remotely logical person can see that spending several thousand on actually important items for a new couple like a place to live or putting money in an investment account will serve them far better in the future (and likely help with romantic and/or wedded bliss).

That engagement ring purchases tend to be for women – not by women – is also insulting to the cause of not viewing women as objects to be acquired. Consider that this is worthy of a headline in a respected US magazine at the beginning of this month: "Women Now Paying for Their Own Engagement Rings".

Many people will say that engagement rings are symbolic of love and devotion. Ignoring that this idea is itself manufactured by the profiting businesses, it also gives an arbitrary definition of "symbol": why can't a beautiful home be a symbol? Why can't long-term investments be a symbol? Indeed, would it not be more impressive to show off a house than a finger rock?

Tradition is another assertion when discussing almost anything to do with monogamy and marriage. But, like nature, tradition is a description not moral justification. Just because we've always done a particular action, doesn't mean it's always (or ever was) justified. Pointing to tradition means pointing to the mistreatment of different races and sexes, human sacrifices, and so on. Longevity, too, doesn't give moral immunity, or automatic goodness, to anything.

Engagement rings aren't even used to show one is married: they're used before the wedding even occurs. Indeed, even helping avoid awkward social encounters isn't aided, since there are other (and cheaper) ways of showing you're "in a relatinship" (not to mention just telling people trying to hit on you).

If you need a ring to prove your love, it's not your lack of a ring that's the problem.

How the 'thigh gap' became the latest pressure point on a woman's self-image

She may have modelled for Ralph Lauren and appeared on the cover of Vogue Italia, but when a photo of Robyn Lawley wearing a corset appeared on Facebook the responses were far from complimentary. "Pig", "hefty" and "too fat" were some of the ways in which commenters described the 24-year-old. Her crime? Her thighs were touching. Lawley had failed to achieve a "thigh gap".

The model, who has her own swimwear line and has won numerous awards for her work, responded vehemently below the line: "You sit behind a computer screen objectifying my body, judging it and insulting it, without even knowing it."

She also went on to pen a thoughtful rallying cry for the Daily Beast last week against those who attacked her, saying their words were "just another tool of manipulation that other people are trying to use to keep me from loving my body".

The response to her article was electric and Lawley was invited to speak about thigh-gap prejudice on America's NBC Today. In a careful and downbeat tone, she explained: "It's basically when your upper middle thighs do not touch when you're standing with your legs together."

The Urban Dictionary website describes it in no uncertain terms as "the gap between a woman's thighs directly below the vagina, often diamond shaped when the thighs are together."

The thigh gap is not a new concept to Lawley, who at 6ft 2in and 12 stone is classified as a "plus-size" model, and who remembers learning about it aged 12. But the growth of Instagram and other social media has allowed the concept of a thigh gap to enter the public consciousness and become an alarming, and exasperating, new trend among girls and women.

A typical example is a Twitter account devoted solely to Cara Delevingne's thigh gap, which the model initially described as "pretty funny" but also "quite crazy".

Selfies commonly show one part of a person's anatomy, a way of compartmentalising body sections to show them in the best light, and the thigh gap is particularly popular. What was once a standard barometer of thinness among models is now apparently sought after by a wider public.

The thigh gap has its own hashtag on Twitter, under which users post pictures of non-touching thighs for inspiration, and numerous dedicated blogs. The images posted mirror the ubiquitous images of young, slim models and pop stars in shorts, often at festivals such as Glastonbury or Coachella, that have flooded the mainstream media in recent years, bringing with them the idea that skinniness, glamour and fun are intertwined.

There is even a "how to" page on the internet, although worshippers of thin may be disappointed to find that the first step is to "understand that a thigh gap is not physically possible for most people".

Naomi Shimada began modelling at 13, but had to quit the industry when her weight changed. "I was what they call a straight-size model – a size 6 – when I started, which is normal for a very young girl.

"But as I got older my body didn't stay like that, because, guess what, that doesn't happen to people! So I took a break and went back in as a size 14 and now work as a plus-size model."

Shimada is unequivocal about where the obsession with the thigh gap comes from. "It's not a new trend: it's been around for years. It comes partly from a fashion industry that won't acknowledge that there are different ways a woman should look, and it comes from the pro-anorexic community. It's a path to an eating disorder."

Caryn Franklin, the former Clothes Show presenter who co-founded the diversity campaign All Walks Beyond the Catwalk, is quite appalled. "We now have a culture that convinces women to see themselves as an exterior only, and evaluating and measuring the component parts of their bodies is one of the symptoms.

"Young women do not have enough female role models showing them action or intellect. In their place are scantily clad celebrities. Sadly, young women are wrongly looking to fashion for some kind of guidance on what it is to be female."

Franklin, who was fashion editor of style magazine i-D in the 1980s, says it hasn't always been this way: "I had spent my teen years listening to Germaine Greer and Susie Orbach talking about female intellect.

"When I came out of college I knew I had a contribution to make that wasn't based on my appearance. I then landed in a fashion culture that was busy celebrating diversity. There was no media saying 'get the look' and pointing to celebrities as style leaders because there wasn't a homogenised fashion look, and there weren't digital platforms that meant that I was exposed to more images of unachievable beauty."

Asked whether the fixation on skinny thighs is a way of forcing women's bodies to look pre-pubescent, Franklin says: "This culture has encouraged women to infantilise themselves. When you are so fixated on approval for what you look like, you are a little girl: you haven't grown up."

For many, the emergence of the thigh gap trend is baffling.

"About four hours ago, as far as I was concerned a 'thigh gap' was something anyone could have if they stood up and placed their feet wider than hip distance apart," wrote Vice journalist Bertie Brandes when she discovered the phenomenon.

"A thigh gap is actually the hollow cavity which appears between the tops of your legs when you stand with your feet together. It also means that your body is underweight."

Other bloggers have responded with a sense of the absurd; feminist blog Smells Like Girl Riot recently posted a diagram of a skeleton to show why the ischium and the pubis cannot be altered through diet alone.

Shimada, now 26, is about to launch her own fanzine, A-Genda, which aims to use a diverse range of models to show young women "something healthy to aspire to".

"When I was a really young model there were girls who used to talk about the pencil test, which is when you measure the depth of your waist against the length of a pencil, and back dimples, when the lack of fat would create concave areas of skin," she says. "But I don't even think this kind of thing is limited to the fashion industry any more. It's all a big mess. But we all have to play a role in making it better."

Franklin also wonders: "When did everyone become so narcissistic? What happened to intellect? My sense of myself was not informed by a very shallow patriarchal media that prioritised the objectification of women – it was informed by feminism."

Lawley signed off her call to arms with a similar acknowledgement of the potential power of women's bodies.

"I've been trying to do just the opposite: I want my thighs to be bigger and stronger. I want to run faster and swim longer. I suppose we all just want different things, but women have enough pressure as it is without the added burden of achieving a 'thigh gap'.

"The last thing I would want for my future daughter would be to starve herself because she thought a 'thigh gap' was necessary to be deemed attractive."

२७ वर्षको उमेरमाबल्ल फेला परे मिल्ने जुत्ता

खुट्टा निक ठूला भएपछि के गर्नु ?आफुलाई मिल्ने चप्पल समेत नपाएर जिवनको २७वर्षसम्मनांगो खुट्टामै बाँच्नुपर्ने रहेछ । हात्तिपाइले रोगकाकारण सुन्निएर विशाल खुट्टा भएकाचीनका एक युवाले २७वर्षको उमेरमाबल्लआफुलाई मिल्ने जुत्ता फेलापारेका छन् ।

चिनको फुजु प्रान्तका जु आनयुकालागिबल्लमिल्ने साइजकाजुत्ता फेला परे । हात्तिपाइलेकाकारण निकै ठूला खुट्टा भएकाजुकालागि एक जुत्ताकम्पनीले सहयोग स्वरुप ३ जोर जुत्ताबनाइदिएको हो । कम्पनीले जु कालागि नै भनेर विशेष डिजाइनमा तीजुत्तातयार गरेको थियो । जुत्तानिकै विशाल छन्, जसको लम्बाइ २८.५ सेन्टिमिटर र चौडाइ २२.५ सेन्टिमिटर छ ।

यौन क्षमता बढाउन भिटामिन खानुहोस्

 विवाहित जीवनलाई ऊर्जावान् बनाउन धेरै स्टामिनाको आवश्यकता हुन्छ । तपाईंले यस्तो शक्ति विभिन्न भिटामिनको माध्यमले पाउनुहुन्छ । भिटामिनले शरीरलाई मात्र स्वस्थ राख्दैन, यौन क्षमता -सेक्स ड्राइभ) बढाउने कामसमेत गर्छ । तर सेक्स ड्राइभ बढाउने मामिलामा केही खास भिटामिन मात्रै प्रभावकारी हुन्छन् ।
यौनक्रियाको समय शरीरले एस्ट्रोजेन र टेस्टोस्टेरोन हार्मोन स्राव गर्छ । पुरुषमा टेस्टोस्टेरोन र महिलामा एस्ट्रोजन हार्मोनले यौनसम्बन्धी क्रियामा मुख्य भूमिका खेल्छ । भिटामिन 'ए' एस्ट्रोजेन र टेस्टोस्टेरोन हार्मोनको विकासमा सहायक हुने दाबी अध्ययनहरूमा गरिएको छ । यसले सेक्स ड्राइभ बढाउनुको साथै यौनक्रियाको बेला रक्तसञ्चारलाई समेत सन्तुलित बनाइराख्छ ।
भिटामिन 'बी' समेत सेक्स ड्राइभ बढाउनमा उपयोगी हुने अध्ययनहरूको दाबी छ । शरीरमा प्रोल्याक्टिन नामक हार्मोन पाइन्छ, जसले यौनेच्छा घटाउने काम गर्छ । तर शरीरमा यो हार्मोनको स्राव बढी भए यौनजीवन नै खतरामा पर्छ । भिटामिन 'बी'ले यो हार्मोनलाई नियन्त्रित गर्छ र सेक्स ड्राइभलाई यसको स्रावबाट सुरक्षित राख्छ । डिप्रेसनले महिलामा यौनेच्छा कम हुन्छ । भिटामिन 'बी'ले उनीहरूलाई त्यस्तो अवस्थाबाट पार लगाउँछ । महिला र पुरुष भिटामिन 'बी' सेवन गरी यौनसम्बन्धी समस्याबाट जोगिन सक्छन् ।
सेक्स ड्राइभ बढाउन भिटामिन 'सी' चाहिँ उपयोगी हुँदैन कि क्या हो भन्ने लाग्ला, तर त्यस्तो होइन । यसले शुक्रकीटलाई स्वस्थ बनाउनुका साथै यसको संख्यामा समेत वृद्घ िगर्छ । रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमतालाई समेत बलियो बनाउन पनि भिटामिन 'सी' उपयोगी हुन्छ ।

मुख मैथुनले क्यान्सर हुन सक्छ
मुखमा क्यान्सरको एउटा ठूलो कारण मुख मैथुन (ओरल सेक्स) समेत हो । अमेरिकामा ओरल सेक्सप्रति बढ्दो आकर्षणका कारण अमेरिकीहरूमा मुख र घाँटीको क्यान्सरका केस बढिरहेका छन् ।
अनुसन्धानकर्ताहरूका अनुसार ओरल सेक्स गर्दा मुखमा क्यान्सर उत्पन्न गर्न सक्ने प्यापिलोमा नामक भाइरस तीव्र गतिले बढ्छ । यही कारण ५० वर्षभन्दा कम उमेरका थुप्रै व्यक्ति मुख र घाँटीको क्यान्सरले पीडित छन् । ओरल सेक्सका कारण यो भाइरस तीव्र गतिले फैलिरहेको विशेषज्ञहरूको भनाइ छ । युवाहरूलाई मुख र घाँटीको क्यान्सरबाट बचाउन एचपीभी भ्याक्सिन लगाउनसमेत उनीहरूले सुझाव दिएका छन् ।
ओहियो विश्वविद्यालयका प्रा. माउरा गिलिसनका अनुसार मुखको क्यान्सरले व्यापकता पाउँदै जानुमा सुर्ती सेवनभन्दा बढी मुख मैथुनकै हात छ । । उक्त अनुसन्धानमा संलग्न डा. विलियम के भन्छन् भने केही वर्षयता टन्सिल र जिब्रोको तल्लो खण्डमा क्यान्सरको मामिलामा बढोत्तरी भएको छ । यसो हुनुको कारण एचपीभीलाई नै मानिन्छ ।
डा. विलियमका अनुसार अमेरिकामा टन्सिलमा क्यान्सरको ६० देखि ७० प्रतिशत मामिला एचपीभीबाट सम्बन्धित छन् । ओरल सेक्सले एचपीभीको संक्रमण हुन्छ । यो स्थितिमा ओरल सेक्सलाई नै टन्सिल क्यान्सरको संख्यामा देखिएको अत्यधिक वृद्घकिो कारण मान्न थालिएको छ ।
न्यु इंग्ल्यान्ड जर्नल अफ मेडिसिनमा सन् २००७ मा प्रकाशित प्रतिवेदनअनुसार घाँटी र टाउकाको क्यान्सरले पीडित एचपीभी संक्रमित युवामध्ये धेरैजसोको एकभन्दा बढी यौनसाथी छन् । यीमध्ये धेरैसँग उनीहरूले ओरल सेक्स गरेका थिए । ६ भन्दा बढी यौनसाथी हुनेहरूमा घाँटी र टाउकाको क्यान्सर हुने सम्भावना तीन/चार गुणा बढ्छ ।

के महिलाहरुले लगाउने bra size को size सही छ ?
 A century after the invention of the bra, most women are still wearing the wrong size. Here's how to get the perfect fit.

A bra that doesn't fit well can spoil the look of the most expensive dress in your wardrobe.

3 Simple steps to the perfect fit

1. Throw away your measure tapes
Measuring your bust is not the key to getting a great fit. Stand by the mirror and start by taking a look at how your bra fits you and then consider whether you need to adjust your back size or cup size following steps 2 and 3.

2. Find the right back size (28-40)
The back size relates to how the bra fits around your body. The band around your body provides most of the support, so it should be firm but comfortable. It should be horizontal and not ride up at the back at all. If it is loose, or it rides up at the back, try a smaller back size (but remember to increase your cup size). Your bra will stretch with wash and wear, so we recommend a new bra that fits you when fastened on the loosest (outside) hook.

3. Find the right cup size (D-L)
The cup size relates to the volume of your breasts. The wires at the front should lie flat against your rib cage and should not dig in, rub or poke out at the front. Your breasts should be enclosed in the cups and you should have a smooth line where the fabric at the top of the cup ends and meets your bust. You shouldn't have any ridge or bulging over the top or sides of the cups, even if you are wearing a balconette style or lower cut shape.

Why you should choose a well-fitted bra
When your bra back or cup size are right, you will get great support that will give your upper body a good shape and protect your neck, shoulder and back muscles

7 Classic bra faux pas

The Quadraboob
Q: Are your breasts spilling over the cups?
A: The cup size of your bra is too small. You could try a bigger cup size.

The Superdrooper
Q: Do you feel your breasts aren't getting the support they deserve?
A: The back of your bra is too big and your straps may be too loose. Try a smaller back size.

The Ledge
Q: Does your bra give you over
uplift transforming your breasts into something that resembles a shelf?
A: It's likely the bra cups and back size are too small. Try a size bigger.

The side boob
Q: Are the wires in the side of your bra cup sitting on your breast rather than your ribcage?
A: It's likely that the cup size is too small. Try a cup size bigger.

The big stand off
Q: Does the front of your bra not sit flat on your sternum or breastbone?
A: The back size of your bra is too big. Try going down a size.

The high rider
Q: Is the back of the bra riding up?
A: The back size of your bra is too big. A small backsize should help this.

ओछ्यानमा जानु भन्दा पैले ख्याल गर्नु पर्ने महतोपूर्ण कुरा !
 Here's a check list for your hair and skin that you just can't give a miss. Bushra S Khan reports

After your daily dose of prime-time viewing, you brush your teeth, pop your vitamins and hit the sack? No you don't. Is your hair and skin ready for bed just yet? You have to prep your skin and hair before you hit snooze. We ask Cosmetic Dermatologist Dr Rekha Seth and hairstylist Perry Patel to suggest a bedtime beauty ritual.

1. First of all do not sleep with dirty hair. You'll be clogging your pores if you do. Wash your hair if it is dirty. This way you'll also be saving time in the morning.
2. Secondly, don't sleep with wet hair. Your hair should be almost dry when you sleep unless you want to wake up with your hair sticking out in weird angles.
3. Comb out all the product you have used in the day.
4. Make sure to sleep with tangle-free hair.
5. Vitamin E is food for the hair (and also the skin). Cut a vitamin E capsule and apply it to your problem areas. Falling hair, dry scalp, thinning hair, frayed ends — it works wonders on them all.
6. Tie your hair in a high pony so that the scalp is able to breath. Avoid tying it too tight as hair on the crown starts thinning first. Tying hair loosely is necessary, especially if you have long hair; your hair might get tugged while you are asleep.
7. Pull you hair up right to the hairline at the front (close to your forehead). Comb softly and tie it up in a top knot. It's like working against the natural direction of the hair. When you open your hair in the morning, it will look full bodied, as if you have blow-dried it.

1. Cleansing, mositurising and sun protection are the three golden words for your skin care regime.
2. Wipe off every last bit of make up using a cleansing lotion.
3. Wash your face with a good face wash.
4. Use a moisturiser with anti-oxidants regardless of your skin type. This is the least you can do for your skin and something that you must start doing in early 20s.
5. Indian climate and skin are extremely prone to tanning. Use a skin lightening agent before you start noticing a tan.
6. Exfoliation is not as simple as it seems. People can over-zealously scrub skin, sapping it of its natural oils. Instead, splash a lot of hot water (not scalding hot) on your face to open up the pores. Take a dollop of mild face wash on a soft sponge and work up a lather while scrubbing the face gently in circular motions. This is more than enough rather than exfoliating with harsh substances.
7. However, remember that without sunscreen all this is no good.

Darkening and fine lines appear around the eyes before anywhere else. Use a slightly stronger anti-aging cream around the under-eye area.

Hands and feet
Since there are no oil glands on your hands and feet, they tend to get drier and hence age faster. In the quest of maintaining their facial looks, people often neglect their hands and feet. Use more creamy products for your hands (upto the forearms), preferably something with alpha-hydroxy acids. The same stands true for your feet.

जाडोमा पनि किस गर्न लाईल ओठ बनाउने बिधि ! the cold dry season approaching, here are a few ways to ensure you sport healthy lips

Your lips are one of the most prominent and visible features on your face. So, sporting chapped, unhealthy looking lips may just take away from your personality and may be a turn-off. And with the dry season approaching, lips are almost always the first part of the body to get affected, given that they have a very thin outer layer of skin. So here's our guide to a few things you need to make sure to have luscious, super-kissable lips!

Since your lips have very few oil secreting glands, they are the first to fall prey to any sudden drop in temperature. A number of over-the-counter lip balms always do the trick. Dr Sandip Jain, cosmetic surgeon, says petroleum jelly is the best thing to guard your lips. "It is best to use non-flavoured petroleum jelly as it great at coating your lips and preserving the moisture content," he adds.

Quit licking your lips
With dry lips, people have a natural tendency to lick them to moisturise them. This is a wrong way to go about it since it could lead to them further cracking up. At times, people even develop angry looking red circles on lips since licking them often robs them of the delicate natural oils. Try using a mix of petroleum jelly and honey if you're in the habit of licking lips, since petroleum jelly is amazingly resistant to moisture.

Keep a good diet
Chapped lips are sign of overall ill health. Try and maintain a healthy diet. Eat a lot of fruits and foods with high water content like grapefruit, watermelons and oranges. Also, if you have problems with blisters appearing on your lips, avoid fatty foods as they could alleviate the condition.

Smoker's lips
Smoking may cause your lips to get discoloured because of the high nicotine content in cigarettes. The best way to avoid this is to entirely quit smoking. But if you cannot for some reason, try washing your mouth after a cigarette. Dr Jain says all citrus fruits are good bleaching agents, "One can use lime juice on the dry part of their lips to try and lighten them," he says. Also, apple cider vinegar and lime juice have properties of a mild bleaching agent. Rub a cotton ball dipped in these liquids and rub them over your lips. Over a period of time it may help lighten the dark skin.

बिस्वका तीन शक्ति शालि ब्यक्तीहरु !(भिडिओ सहित)

When it comes to power, politics trumps business, according to a new Forbes ranking that found heads of state occupying six of the top 10 spots among the world's most powerful people, led by US President Barack Obama. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was ranked 19, while Congress president Sonia Gandhi was 12th.

Barack Obama is the 44th president of the United States, and the first African-American to hold the post. He was elected to a second term in the 2012 election held on November 6.

Barack Obama

Angela Merkel is the Chancellor of Germany, the first woman to hold the post. She is effectively the backbone of the 27-member European Union.

Angela Merkel

Vladimir Putin is the President of Russia. He previously served as president from 2000 to 2008, and as Prime Minister from 1999 to 2000, and again from 2008 to 2012. He is serving his current term since May 2012.

Vladimir Putin

A story of success with InstaForex

The crisis that broke out a year and a half ago caused numerous redundancies, leaving many people jobless.  Yet everyone knows how essential it is to have a reliable source of income to live on. This is what I came to realize about a year ago, in the very heat of the crisis. At that time I had been working as a doctor for many years already. The wages in this sphere were gradually brought lower as the work was growing busier due to a huge wave of redundancies.  It touched both medical practitioners and academics. I must admit I had a narrow escape. I was doing my best to extricate myself from the complicated situation, but there were not so many ways out available. One way was to get more working hours and to spend at hospital all the leisure time, with no time for the family left and a little surplus to the salary. The other way was searching for more income sources.

Since then I would buy newspapers offering jobs, ask my friends about possible freelancing and visit various websites. Yet, I could not find anything that would suit me: owing to the crisis there was not much to choose from. All the job offers I considered required full-time employment; besides, it was also necessary to have a narrow specialization.  I simply could not take it as a doctor. On the other hand, newspapers also offered high income and flexible working hours at large chain companies. A dim prospect of distributing dietary supplements did not seem to be tempting to me. I also doubted that such an occupation could be so profitable.

Once I happened to visit the official website of InstaForex Company, providing opportunities of trading on the international forex market. At first I had a rather vague idea of the wage I would have working with InstaForex Company. Having quickly looked through the information on the website, I thought that it was another network-marketing trap and abandoned it for long.

Surfing the Internet one day, I came across a banner, promoting ShowFx World international forex exhibition, which was to take place at the coming weekend. Many brokers were expected to attend it; besides, various free seminars were to be held there as well. Since I did not have any plans for the weekend, I decided to go.

The seminar was focused on the basics of Forex trading. In a very warm and friendly atmosphere we were initiated into the essence of work on Forex. To tell the truth, I did not manage to get a clear understanding of all the principles of making profit on Forex then, but what I was absolutely sure of is that it was interesting and attractive to me. Except gaining new knowledge at seminars, we could also make some new acquaintances and communicate with the representatives of companies rendering trading services on the market.  This is how I discovered InstaForex Company. Frankly speaking, I did not hesitate a minute to start working with this brokerage company. Just like most traders, I was mainly attracted by excellent trading conditions and benefits the Company’s clients enjoyed. Among the advantages the Company offers there are reviews by a team of the best analysts of the Russian Internet, Forex TV and opportunities to cooperate with MT5 portal. But what appeared especially convenient to me was a minimum deposit, equaling $10. Moreover, each client had a welcome bonus credited to his/her trading account at each depositing. Another pleasing feature of working with InstaForex Company which surprised me was plenty of contests for both beginners and professional traders. Furthermore, every client could become a full-fledged member of InstaForex international broker club. The membership card promised its owner numerous exclusive opportunities.

The 2 days spent at the exhibition inspired me to try Forex trading which I did. Having registered a demo account, I started to train and gradually penetrate into the matter. I did my best to recall everything I was told at the seminar and put it into practice. My demo trading proved to be rather successful, so I decided to launch into real trading. I opened a real trading account, but as I was not much experienced in working on a demo account, my initial capital of $100 was not sufficient to cover the losses I had. Yet, I did not stop. After an unsuccessfully closed deal I opened another one to restore the losses. However, as I came to realize later, this was my main mistake as a beginning trader: I would suffer tremendous losses by carrying out numerous deals and seeking for several pips profit. I would overlook such an important element of successful trading as stop-loss, being sure that I would be able to close a position anytime by myself. But it was not my only mistake: I was also driven by pure emotions, which hindered many profitable deals.

Later I thoroughly analyzed my mistakes to figure out its reasons. I realized that it was not merely my emotional and psychological state which conditioned my unprofitable trading but also the fact that I lacked my own trading strategy. Thanks to the rich medical experience I had it was not difficult for me to regain my emotional equilibrium.  I also carefully studied many corresponding materials, investigated the principles of trading and elaborated my own trading tactics.

Since then I combined working at hospital with discovering Forex market and trading. Still, as time passed by I saw my trading profit increasing – I became a successful trader, which pushed my medical practice to being a hobby rather than the major source of income. After much hesitation I made up my mind – I decided to abandon medicine. Today I am a successful trader, able to work when it is convenient for me. And, what is even more important, I derive much pleasure from Forex trading apart from a substantial profit.

I am glad that in time of need I came across InstaForex broker. Now that I became a trader, the balance and serenity in my life have been restored and I enjoy the work, which does not depend on anyone but me.

प्रेमिकाको जन्मदिनमा ९ करोडको चुरोट उपहार

 एक जना अर्बपति धनाढ्यले आफ्नी प्रेमिकाको जन्मदिनमा चुरोट उपहार दिए । कस्तो बुद्धु रहेछ, जन्मदिनमा पनि चुरोट उपहार दिने ? भन्ने लाग्ला तपाइँलाई । तर त्यो चुरोट कुनै लरतरो चुरोट होइन । एउटा खिल्लीकै झण्डै ९ करोड रुपैयाँ मूल्य पर्ने चुरोट हो त्यो ।

हो, लण्डनमा बस्ने रुसका एक धनाढ्यले आफ्नी गर्लफ्रेण्डको बर्थडेमा उपहार दिनका लागि ८ करोड ७३ लाख नेपाली रुपैयाँ पर्ने हिरा र सुन जडित विद्युतिय चुरोट निर्माणका लागि कारखानालाई अर्डर गरे । लण्डनको सिसा स्टिक्स नामको एक कम्पनीले २४६ वटा २ क्यारेटका हिराका टुक्रा, अन्य बहुमुल्य पत्थर, ६ क्यारेटको ओभल डायमण्ड तथा २४ क्यारेट सुनको बटन तथा बहुमुल्य सिसाको पाइपसमेत जडान भएको विद्युतिय चुरोट ४ महिना लगाएर तयार गर्यो । उनले त्यो इ चुरोट साढे ५ लाख पाउण्डमा किनेर आफ्नी गर्लफ्रेण्डको जन्मदिनमा उपहार दिए । ती धनाढ्य रुसी पुरुष र उनकी भाग्यमानी प्रेमिकाको नाम भने खुलाइएको छैन । यो विषयमा एक बेलायती टेलिभिजनमा विशेष कार्यक्रम नै प्रस्तुत भयो ।

उक्त चुरोटको नाम सिसा स्टिक्स सोफिया राखिएको छ । यो बहुमुल्य चुरोट बनाउने कम्पनीका एन्थोनी मिक्सिडेजले यस्तो चुरोट बनाउनु आफुहरुको लागि सपना जस्तै भएको बताए ।

6 Secrets Of Sexually Satisfied Longtime Couples

When I started asking various long-term couples what they do to keep their mojo going, one fairly typical response was, "How many times a year constitutes mojo?" Another wanted to know if she and her husband made love on New Year’s Eve, did it count for both years?
Well, they can be forgiven. When you are in enduring partnerships, age and routine start to creep up on you. Even though it may seem hard to recapture your hormone-addled youth, you don’t have to give up on a mutually satisfying sex life. Here is what the experts--and real couples--have to say about bringing sensuality back into the bedroom…or on the beach…or in the kitchen…or on public transportation…whoops, strike that last one.

1. Get creative. Humans are programmed to gravitate to new experiences. Boredom happens when you are not making enough effort to bring in something new. To wit: “When we were younger, we used to do it on planes, trains, and automobiles. In other people’s houses, or out in the field near the airport where the planes took off,” recalls Rich, 56, from Queens, New York. (Identities have been changed to protect the frisky.) Bad knees, lack of time, and fear of arrest have curtailed most of that, but Rich and his longtime partner Jane, 45, still try for the unexpected. “We’ll still sneak one in different places, even if it’s just in the house somewhere. And we’re always up for trying something new – sex toy, technique. If it doesn’t work, it’s still interesting.”

“Sex is an appetite so you have to create new tastes and sensations. Would you want to eat the same dinner every night? Same thing with sex. Change a room, turn a light on, add a different lotion or sex toy. If you think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, start watering your own lawn,” said Lou Paget, a certified sex educator and author of The Great Lover Playbook.

You could also try Together, you and your partner take a confidential online quiz based on Kinsey Institute research. The results reveal what you can explore together to deepen intimacy. Based on those results, Couples Chemistry sends you a customized "Love Kit", designed bring your mutual fantasies to reality. The cost is $129 per kit, but sampler kits are also available for $80.

2. Make your sex life a judgment-free zone. Communicating needs can feel risky – what if he laughs at me? What if she thinks I’m a pervert? Work at establishing enough intimacy that if one expresses an interest in something new that the other finds icky, it’s just two people expressing their thoughts. You both should feel safe that the one isn’t going to make the other feel like a complete tool. Janice, 60, from Washington D.C., explained that if she wants to have a conversation with her partner of 30 years about something negative in the bedroom, she always starts the conversation with appreciation, as in, “I love being with you so much because you make me feel so amazing – I would just like us to do it more.’” Or “I absolutely love it when you do X…so I’d love it if you’d do more of X and maybe a little less of Y’.”

3. Laughter is a great aphrodisiac. To achieve the previous suggestion, you need to be able to laugh at yourselves. “Sometimes when my husband and I try something new, it’s a disaster. My back goes out, he gets a cramp, we can’t follow the instructions, the lingerie he bought me can fit maybe one boob at a time,” says Kelly, 50, from Rochester, NY. “Instead of getting frustrated or embarrassed, it makes us giggle uncontrollably, which actually brings us closer and makes it more fun.”

4. Plan your fun times. I know, I know, you want to be spontaneous. Planning may seem like one more thing on your to-do list. But think about it – when you were dating, didn’t you make dates with one another? And then you spent the week fantasizing about what you'd wear, what it was going to feel like? You were creating anticipation so by the time you got together, you were raring to go. Choose a night and plan to get in bed at 9pm, instead of 11, when you are too tired and cranky. Set the mood, light some candles, take a bath. Put some intention into it, rather than just rolling over after Jon Stewart signs off and pretending you are not too tired.

5. Accept and celebrate changing bodies. When you are together for a long time, you assume you know what the other wants. But as bodies change, appetites and needs change, too. Sometimes you might need a little extra help – a vibrator, lubricant, Viagra. You need to figure out how your body responds -- try masturbating occasionally to see what is working these days -- and communicate that. And if your partner asks for a change, don’t assume that this is an expression of dissatisfaction with past relations. He or she is just telling you what works for his or her body now.

6. Pay attention. “One of the biggest reasons affairs get started is couples aren’t paying attention to one another. Their relationship gets put to the bottom of the to-do list,” says Paget. So: No multi-tasking. Turn off the TV (unless it’s playing a fun adult movie you are both enjoying), let the answering machine do its job, silence the cell phone, no checking email or playing videogames. You'd be surprised. According to the 2013 Mobile Consumer Habits study, 9% of people use their smartphones during sex. And doesn’t that sound like a good time? Not. Concentrate on each other.

आत्महत्या गर्न लागेकी स्वास्नी बचाउने नयाँ काइदा

चीनका एक व्यक्तिले छिटो निर्णय गर्दै आत्महत्या गर्न बाल्कुनीबाट हामफालेकी श्रीमतीलाई अनौठो तरिकाले बचाएका छन् । घटना चीनको दक्षिण हेनान प्रान्तको चेंगचियाङमा भएको हो ।

भवनको चौथो तलामा बस्ने एक महिलाले आत्महत्या गर्ने योजनाका साथ हामफालेकी थिइन् । तर, उनका श्रीमानले उनलाई रोकेका छन् । श्रीमानसँग विवाद भएपछि आक्रोसित उनले आत्महत्या गर्न हाम फालेकी थिइन् ।

हत्तपत्त श्रीमानले उनको गुट्टामा समाउन भ्याए । इमर्जेन्सी हेल्प टिम नआउँदासम्म उनले श्रीमतीलाई खुट्टामा समाइरहे भने उनकी श्रीमती भीरमा फलेको फर्सी झै अड्की रहिन् ।
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